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Here you go guys. And sorry abt last cliff hanger😅

#voilence (lots of it) #bloodshed #warzone.

Zayn’s POV:

Instinctively, my hand reaches to my scabbard but it’s with Paul. I curse silently at that.

“Liam go!” I order “Go hide yourself in a safe place and don’t come out”

“What are you going to do?” He gasps “Bruce, come on. Let’s get out of here”

“You get out of here” I tell him, pushing him in the direction of woods “Go!”

“But Bruce-”

“I said go!” I roar and he gasps as he stumbles away. I look around and spot Paul in the mass of people. And he catches my eyes too and throws me my scabbard.

Removing the scabbard, I reveal the sword and go into full on battle mode. I’m not letting these bastards hurt my people again.

It surprises me when Louis is already in a battle, a cut shining across his torso. But he pays no mind to it, just keeps fighting back and trying to save the small boy clutching to his waist.

The Bindaris are all dressed in black cloaks and their eyes covered in leather eye masks. The guy who escaped is the only one who is not wearing the mask. With adrenaline cursing through my blood stream, I brace myself. The air is so dusty due to the battle and people are still trying to get away. Screams fills the air and drowns everything out. Everywhere I look, there is only struggle for escape and fight for life.

And despite being armed, I feel too weak. Because the way they move, fast and quick in a blink of an eye, and their shocking pain tolerance has me gasping for breath in moments. I distinctly see a soldier dive in his sword in to a Bindari, and all he does is gasp in slight pain before he is attacking the soldier and defeating him.

Their strength is something I have never dealt with. Even if I’m using all of my power to take them down, none of them budge. I have no trouble taking down men built than me, but a kid not older than me has me at the tip of his sword in minutes, and smirks smugly.

It was a good thing that I learnt defense without weapon. So I bring the heel of my foot to his jaw and knock him off balance. I know my kick must have split his skin, but he stands up without any problem, barely wincing at the pain.

Of course. It’s this guy’s gang anyway, everyone must have super natural pain tolerance. And god knows how they got it. I do only thing I can think off. Using the heel of my sword, I bang it hard against his skull and thankfully, he passes out.

I can't believe it took me more than ten minutes to take down a single guy and there are more than hundred out here. What am I going to do?

The secret security installed is fighting the best they can, but I can see them falling one by one. I notice Harry and Niall caught in the middle of it all, looking panicked and shocked.

I scream at them to take the people away to the woods, away from this battle field. I see shock register in their faces when they see me and Louis duel side by side and take care of each other’s backs.

“Go” I shout at Harry and he takes the kid who was clinging to Louis and Niall guides couple of women out of the mess.

“Mate, it’s not helping” Louis gasps for breath beside me. Nearly half of our men are down, and ignoring that we are actually fighting, the Bindaris start stealing everything from the households. People are running away from the town and some are lying in a mess of blood on the ground.

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