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Ugh, I know I have been gone for a while and am so sorry abt that😬

Zayn’s POV:

For a moment, I just stare blankly, trying to digest what Wilbur just said. And the name Payne, no, it can’t be. It’s similar to what I heard of Maarah’s royal family surname. Liam….Payne?


“Yes” he nods.

“You must be out of your mind” I look at him weirdly “What…what are you even talking about?”

He purses his lips, glaring at me.

“Liam…Liam is not a prince” I shake my head “He can’t be. Why do you think that?”

“I don’t think that” he says “I know that”


“What’s his full name?” he questions me, standing up and walks over to me “Your boyfriend Liam’s?”

I’m left speechless when I realize I don’t know it.

“What if it was some other Liam?” I question after few moments “Because Wilbur, Liam is not a prince. He can’t be. He is a commoner. How do you know he is a prince?”

He shrugs, kneeling down by me to do something “I’m releasing you now, because we need to have a long chat. I’m not going to hurt you, but do something smart, you’ll regret it.”

"Releasing me bcause I’m innocent?”

“Yes” he answers as he works on my handcuffs.

“What makes you think I’m innocent?”

“You didn’t know your chosen one wasn't a princess” he points out “You actually asked me if the princess was still alive, didn’t you?”

I do remember that. I had stormed to his cell to find out the truth. “Wilbur…”

I can feel panic rising inside me. With Liam lying somewhere in the woods, unconscious and now finding out this truth….I’m going insane. Insane with worry and shock. Worried how and where Liam is, is he okay. And shocked to find out this truth.

I feel my wrists being freed and rub them with a wince. I look at Wilbur obscurely, feeling so scared and shocked.

“How? I don’t understand”

He waves over a women to hand us some drink. I don’t drink mine, paranoid it could be poisoned or drugged. But Wilbur takes a sip from his.

“How?” I question again “I’m freaking out”

“Can see that” he smiles in amusement around the lip of the wooden mug and I glare at him. “Think about it, Zayn. It makes sense, doesn’t it?”

“No, it doesn’t” I snap “If Liam is….whoever you claim him to be, then why would Agni choose him again for me?!”

“You said so yourself” he tells me “You asked Agni why he is bowing to Liam, yes? Agni wasn’t choosing, he was merely reminding and pointing out who Liam truly is. You are close to Agni, aren’t you? Upon your confusion, he might have pulled out a feather to make you understand”

I close my eyes “What the hell?”

“That’s my theory” he sits back and tosses the handcuffs aside. “And it makes sense.”

“How do you know Liam is a prince? And importantly, who are you and why are you doing this?”

“I’m Wilbur” he smirks and I resist the urge to dump my drink on his face “And, I’m the head of this tribe now. I used to be the king’s best friend.”

The Secret door (Ziam Royal AU)Where stories live. Discover now