Chapter 6:Katie's plan

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I went back outside,before hearing who this mysterious horse is "perfect" for.

I decided to hatch a plan.

When my mom goes to pick up this 'horse'
I will take her phone when she isn't looking,and I will take it and read her messages.

"Katie,I am going to go um somewhere.."My mom said.

I nodded a slight nod,And went to give my mom a hug.

When We hugged,I slipped her phone from her back pocket.

"Bye Katie Bear"

She left in our red truck.

I quickly ran into our house.

I sat down on our petty kitchen chair.

I opened up her Apple phone.

I swiped to the right. "Ugh,Password"
I sighed

Ushually passwords are something people like....
Hmm "Jason?"I wrote Jason...hehe didn't work.

"Bucker?"That is my moms first dog....Hehe didn't work.

Wait?Am I so dumb? "Katie" yay!Of course it worked.

I flipped through her phone pages,full of apps until I came across her IMessage

I scrolled down through her contacts...

I pressed Holly's name.

I scrolled up a page: It said

"Hey Holly,Katie's mom here...I was wondering if you know any local Horses that are for sale,I think Katie is ready to take up a horse of her own"

Katie!!!Oh my gosh!!!

"Hey,yes there is a few horses I know about...actually we have one for sale here!"

"Oh really?Tell me about him/her"

"It is a mare Apaloosa/Welsh...she is a bay,14.1hh she is a push button pony"

"Sounds perfect,does she jump?"

"Yes she does,1000$?"

"Sounds great I'lol go over to pay you right now!"


I took 5 minors to dance around like a lunatic.

Then suddenly I remembered...What about Quinn?....


Ooooo , what will happen to Quinn..?

Quick Question: English or Western

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