Chapter 8:Katie and Kennedy

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(An^A picture of Quinn)

It's Been one month since I got Quinn.
Summer Vacation has started.
I've been going to the barn as much as I could. I even got a job to muck out the stalls. For 5$a stall.

Right now,I was at the barn mucking out stalls.

I just finished Fiesta's. I neatly laid shavings over the floor.

After I mucked out all of the stalls,I put the bah in,and made up the grain.

The water was to be done right before they are put in.

After the barn chores were done,I brought Quinn in.

We are going to try to show silver trillium.

Quinn's bay coat was covered in dry mud. "curry comb" I Whispered.

I brushed the round grooming tool in circular motion,to get acid the dry mud off.

Then I took my soft brush and flicked all of the lifted loose drift and hairs off.

With the soft brush I stroked her hole body. To make her beautiful fur slick and shiny.

I brushed her mane comb until the knots where lost.

I did the same with her tail.

Then,I did Quinn's hooves with my hoof pick.

I tacked her up,and walked her outside of the barn.

"How's my star student?"Holly asked,walking towards me.

"Excited to ride"I said.

"Can I ask you a favour"Holly asked my,taking a bite of her Oreo.

"Of course"

"We have this new girl coming,she is the same age as you,she is actually,exactly 2months and 10days younger. Anyways,can you show her around,and bring in Anya,that is the horse she will be riding,she has rode before, actually,she is about the same level as you,you too would be good friends"

Holly doesn't stop talking once she has started.

"Y-Yes Holly,I can do that!When is she coming"

"In an hour or so,let's get to your lesson."

So we walked to the ring. I tightened Quinn's girth, and hopped on,from the left side.

"Today we will be working on jumping"Holly said,as she carried out a few poles.

"Right now,please work on a solid walk"

I worked on keeping Quinn's head low in a hunter position,with the same rhythm as I also worked on keeping an inside bend.

"Perfect Katie" she said.Once the jumps were set up.

"Trot a few laps"

I trotted and worked on the same thing I worked on in the walk.

"Looks great!"
"Next round,please go over the gym line"

A gym line is a series of jumps usually with the pattern of
In and out
(If you still don't know, Google it)

I went over the gym line successfully, we did it a couple more times,then Holly said Quinn and I could walk for a bit.

After the lesson, I Untacked Quinn,and I played around with her. She knows the tricks:Hug,Kiss,Bow,and Chase After.

We played a quick game of tag. Then I put her in the pasture.

I cleaned up my mess from the barn,and waited for the new girl.

A blue car pulled up,and a medium sized,dark skin girl came out.

"Hi,I am Kennedy"She said

"Hi,I am Katie"

Kennedy was a very beautiful girl,she had a warm smile.

"I'll show you around" I said

She nodded and followed me.

"This is the indoor ring,and over here is the outdoor ring"

"This is the barn,and the pastures"

"Um who will I be riding?"She asked curiously.

"You will be riding Anya,the bay over there"
"She is gorgeous!"Kennedy smiled.

After I showed her around. I got 2 Cokes from the lounge and we sat on a bench and talked.

"So you ride?"I asked her.
"Yes I absolutely adore horse"Kennedy replied.

"Well you will love it here at HillBerry then"

"Do you have a horse?"She asked me.

"Yes,I do,I own the bay appaloosa over there"I said point in the direction of Quinn. It stills feel so cool to say 'I own'

Kennedy spent the rest of the day laughing and talking. I've always been an outsider at my school...maybe I've just found a friend...


oooh...did Katie just find a new friend?
You will half to read the next chapter!

Quick Question:Do you own a horse¿

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