Chapter 10:First Horse Show

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It's been 3 months. Me and Kennedy have been best friends for a while now.

Quinn and I have really brought it up a notch.

Tomorrow is or first horse show. Nerves are kicking in!
Kennedy,and her horse Anya, are attending this show too.

We just arrived at the barn. Kennedy will be spends the night at my house,since it is closest,so we are able to come to the barn bright and early.

The barn was very quiet. I turned to Kennedy,she was grabbing her helmet.

We went into the small wooden barn. I found Quinn's halter,and followed Kennedy outside.
We grabbed our ponies,and tied them to the tree.
"We can starting bathing them" I said, grabbing the blue bucket, already filled up with cool water.

Kennedy took a hold of the water filled sponges,and covered our horses.
Anya loves the water,bracing every time.

Quinn, on the other hand..HATES water...

We grabbed the shampoo and lathered our horses to perfection. Kennedy was done 10minutes before me,Quinn just wouldn't stop moving.

After we bathed them,we cleaned our tack and went back home.

Kennedy and I fell asleep very early,and we woke up at 5:30 am,getting dressed quickly in our breeches and blouse,and heading straight to the barn.

We were greeted by a VERY excited Holly.
We took Quinn,and Anya in,and braided their manes and tails.

At 7:30 we had he horses trailered and we were driving to the show.

"Nerves are kicking in"I breathed.

Kennedy looked at me with a quite staggered look.

"What?" I asked,with a discountable look.

"Katie,your an amazing rider"
Kennedy is such a great friend.

I looked outside the demoralized window.

Cows were grazing through the clear green fields.

After an hour of discussing riding basics,we were at the show.

Timorous riders were leading their horses in every direction.

"Unload your horses"Holly instructed.

Kennedy and I unloaded our horses,and tied them up to the trailer hooks.

Holly braided our hair,and we put our show blouse on

We put our newly depurate tack on our horses.

"Let's hit the warm up ring"

We followed Holly over to the very busy ring.
Lucky Quinn and Anya have assessment of practice being around horses.

We mounted up and exercise our horses.
As more classes began to start,less and less horses have been in the ring.

After an hour of trotting our horses,and cantering them over jumps,the Medium Pony Hunter over fence class was about to start.

"Medium Ponies Hunters to ring 4 please" The announcer announced.

"Go get em girls"Holly said,waving to us as we enter our first flat class of the season.

We walked a few laps.

"All riders in the ring,the show has begun"

I gathered my reigns and pushed my heels down.
My coach says the wall is the most important gait,if your walk is good,they will be more interested in your canter.

I rounded Quinn's neck and push her forward,encouraging her to use her hind leg.

"Trot"The announcer spoke.
I slowly pushed her into a medium sped trot always thinking in my mind "1...2...1...2"I would apply a short inside bend when Quinn would attempt to bulge. Every so often I would make sure I am on the right diagonal


I took a deep breath and slowly asked her to walk. Quickly continuing with the forward walk.


I waited for a stretch and I asked to canter. With my luck, Quinn was very quick to land.
I applied a strong inside bend,and pushed her out with my legs.

We cantered for a lap,then we were told to line up.
"Line up with your backs facing the judge"

"5 Place= Ramona on Summer Breeze"
"In 4 place= Kayla on All My Daddy's money"
"In 3 place,Kennedy on Anquelita"

"In Second Place,Katie on My little Appaloosa"

I got Second!!!Kennedy got 3!!

I was very proud of Quinn,and my best friend,this was our first show!

There is no jumping in this show,so we got ready and trailered home.
This will be a night to remember!!

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