Chapter 3:Morning

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It was the day after Mr.Howard called home.
I woke up early and I was greeted to a statuesque sunrise.
"Katie,breakfast is on the table"My mothers voice rang out.
I jumped out of my queen bed,neatly spreaded out my horse blankets, and made my way down stairs.

I took a glance at myself down the stairs,my bed head looks like a drunken yeti...

"Good Mornin Darlin" my very convivial mother said.

I mumbled a "g morn"
I sat at our table.

"So,after school you have your riding lesson"She told me.

A quick sense of excitement flung over me.

"I will cancel it if I get another phone call..."
A quick sense of frustration flung over me.

I quickly ate and then ran up stairs.

I went in my room. The soft green and brown walls were drowned in horse posters,horse pictures.

My horse comforter set was also horses.

On my shelve I had my 60+ horse model collection.

And all of my show ribbons hung neatly over my bed.

I decided to get ready. I picked out my "I'd rather be in the stall,then at the mall" shirt.

I put it on and slipped on a pair of black leggings.

I combed my yeti head into immaculate hair.

I put my hair up in a high pony.

I turned to the mirror.

I am a medium sized girl,with fiery red locks.
I have freckles only covering my nose,and authentic blue eyes.

I have long legs and very small feet.

Now....I'm I half to go to....the most bromidic place ever....stinkin school!

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