Chapter Five. What to do Next!

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When everyone was seated Mr. Blackbourne started the update. "As you all know we have finally gathered the proof of illegal activities at Ashley Waters. This information was passed onto the appropriate authorities last night by myself and Dr. Green."

"It is expected that Mr Hendricks, together with his cohorts, will be arrested within the next five to ten days, as soon as the money misappropriated by both him and his partners has been recovered. The Academy has all involved parties under surveillance."

He paused briefly while everyone took in the best news they had heard for months and continued. "We need to decide what we, as a team, wish to do next. Do we stay at Ashley Waters until the end of the year? Do we all leave once the arrests have been made?"

Several voices spoke up at once. The overwhelming opinion was to get out of the there as soon as they possibly could.

Until Sang spoke up.

"What about the students we leave behind, Mr Blackbourne? Are they going to be okay?" Sang asked with a worried expression on her face.

"You know Mr Hendricks allowed a lot of students that were like Greg to be brought into the school, and some of them are still there. And what about things like Dr Green's Japanese class. If we leave who will teach that class? We can't just dump students who want to learn, can we? Wasn't that part of the point of going to Ashley Waters? To set an example and to show others the right way to treat each other, and to encourage those who want an education?"

Victor sighed softly. Trust his Princess to think of everyone but herself, but before he or Kota could reassure her Gabe exploded.

"What are you saying Trouble? That you want to stay in that hell hole!" He demanded throwing up his hands.

"Gabe's right to ask, Aggele mou." Silas spoke up quietly.

"That's not what I'm trying to say. What I am saying is we need to consider everyone at that awful place, not just ourselves. Don't we?" Sang swallowed to stop her lip quivering. "Is the job really finished yet? Shouldn't we make sure others are safe too?"

"Personally, I can't wait to leave. I can finish my education on line. I'm presuming you guys have already graduated high school or have ways to complete your formal school education through the Academy. I'm not a member of the Academy and I'll do it online."

Sang didn't bother to mention that she had all sorts of ideas going through her head about that. She really needed to think quietly for a while just to sort it all out in her own mind.

"Sweetie. It will be okay. Things should settle very quickly with a new Principal. One who cares about the students and the teachers." Sean told her quietly.

"But what about your students, Sean?" Sang asked just as quietly. "Won't they find it disruptive if you leave at this time of year?"

"No, sweetie. I doubt those little minions will even notice the substitute teacher ready to take over from me. You and Victor are the only ones who ever pay attention or even do homework." Sean said softly.

Sang looked shocked. "You're kidding!" She exclaimed. "It's my favourite class. Well apart from violin." She added quickly.

Sean chuckled loudly. "How's that worked out for you?"

Sang grinned back at him. "Interesting. We have field excursions in that class."

"I have to admit it will be so nice not to be called to the office on a daily basis.
I know I should be used to it, but I usually feel like throwing up afterwards. Knowing you've managed to catch him now makes me feel more relaxed about it. I was always worried I would slip up and let something out that I shouldn't know and you'd all be in trouble."

"Princess, why have you never said anything? I knew it was upsetting but you never said it made you feel physically ill. Was that why you avoided lunch some days if you could get away with it? Because you hadn't been called into the office, and you knew you were going to be?" Victor asked, as he looked at her with his eyes blazing.

Sang looked like a deer caught in the headlights "Um. Well sometimes .... maybe." She mumbled.

"It was incredibly brave of you do that for us Miss Sorenson. Particularly for so long. However, I do wish you had said it made you ill. Although I'm not sure anything could have stopped his harassment of you, barring our early departure."

"I know. That's one of the reasons I didn't say anything. I knew it was important to catch him."

"Well you can relax now Miss Sorenson. It he calls you in this week you can say what you like. Or totally ignore the summons of you wish. He can't affect your grades, and we won't let him harm you. Although you could take care of that yourself I'm sure."

"I actually don't mind if he calls me in this week. I think he believes he's gotten away with everything, and any plans he has to get rid of you now are purely personal. It's a really stupid move on his part. He's let his dislike of us all get in the way of his common sense. So I'm ready for him."

"Just try not to do anything reckless, Sweetie. Please." Kota sighed.

Sang smiled. "You know me Kota. I'm all for a peaceful life."

Listening to the boys chuckle, Owen brought the discussion to an end. "If we're all agreed, we will leave no later than five days after the end of the official part of the mission. That's plenty of time to ensure the new management team are working towards the betterment of the school as a whole and not their own nefarious needs."

Kota turned to Sang as she rose from her chair. "What are you planning now Sang?"

Sang smiled sweetly. "Well, since you guys never stop you probably need to sort some new Academy project out. So I'm going to look at a few things in that envelope from Mr D and some other stuff in the chest."

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