Chapter Thirty-one. He wanted to do what???

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This one is for Mefish.  You've stuck with this story through it all.  You've always made me smile with your comments and I thank you for your support.

Sang sat in North's car on the way to Victor's house, with Xavier clinging to her. His paws firmly wrapped around her neck. North had been pleased the guys had waited for him to finish escorting that miserable fuckhead away from Sang. He had wanted, no needed, to get her away from there. To make sure she was okay. Even if that fucking feline had to be in his car too.

"Baby. Is that .... cat going to let go of you any time soon, do you think?" North asked quietly. He was aware of Sang holding back tears and he really didn't want to cause more upset but, fuck, that mangy cat had an almost febrile look in his eyes.

They should have pointed him in the direction of her father, he sighed to himself. That would have sorted that miserable bastard out permanently. Well, too late now. Mr Blackbourne and Kota would fix it all, and then Sang would be totally free of her pathetic, twisted family. He just wasn't going to relax until he heard them confirm that everything was sorted and Sang was finally safe with his own ears.

"Probably not until we get to Victor's place, North" Sang sighed, as Xavier continually butted his head on her chin. She had caused more problems for the guys. Geez, would it never stop, she wondered as she gazed unseeingly out the window. "Mr Blackbourne and Kota won't get arrested, will they?"

"No Cupcake" Luke spoke up quietly from the back seat. He reach forward and ignoring the glare from Xavier gently stroked Sang's hair "Kota and Mr Blackbourne will make sure everything is fixed so he won't come after you again. Ever. Okay."


"We don't know Sang Baby, but they'll tell you when they see you again at Victor's. Trust them. They'll get the job done."

"I don't want to see him again, North" Sang confessed quietly. "Or Marie's mother. I just want to stay with you guys." Sang paused and a look of guilt crossed her face. "Does that make me a bad person?"

"No baby, not at all. You don't have a mean bone in your body, and you wouldn't know how to be bad if you tried."

Sang shrugged and idly pet Xavier as they parked at Victor's place. "I was really angry at him, North. I still am a little." She confessed as Luke opened her door.

North turned and stared down at her, his intense eyes burning "Listen baby. You have done nothing to be ashamed of. Now or ever. All this bullshit" North spread his hands trying to express his roiling emotions "is on them. Not you. Never you. You've never even spoken badly of them. Those assholes on the other hand damaged and hurt a little girl who never did anyone any harm and didn't deserve what they did. No one deserves that kind of treatment."

"North's right, Cupcake" Luke backed his brother up as he leant down to unwrap Sang's seatbelt from a less than co-operative cat. "We've all been through this with blood family, but we found each other and Mr. Blackbourne and the doc made us a family years ago. You too. You're part of our family now. You do still want to be, don't you?" He asked earnestly, as he carefully avoided Xavier's claws.

"Yes, I do. More than anything. You guys mean the world to me." Sang admitted as she stroked Xavier gently. "I just don't want to bring yet more trouble down on any of you." I just want it all to stop."

"It will stop, Princess" Victor said walking up to them. "Tonight. So how about we take Mr Xavier upstairs and see if he will go to sleep. He's had a very busy day."

"Vic's right, Aggele" Silas smiled gently. "We can hear what happened later, and decide what we're all doing from here on in."

Sang sighed softly and nodded, before following Victor up the stairs and going straight to his bedroom.

As soon as Victor closed the door Gabe turned around to Luke. "Did you see that fucking cat! I thought we were bad when it came to Trouble. But, Jesus Christ, I think he's possibly worse than North. He would have ripped our fucking eyes out if he had thought we were the ones to make her cry."

The boys all looked at him as Sean just chuckled. "He has a point. I guess we know not to mess with Sang unless we want to be destroyed, as painfully as Xavier could possibly make it. Just goes to show he's not totally evil."

"The jury is still out, doc." North grumbled.

"Come on North, it was obvious he was frantic when Aggele came in upset." Silas spoke up. God knew, he hated it when Aggele mou cried, and he had to admit the cat had actually seemed to help a little.

Over an hour later Kota and Mr Blackbourne arrived wearing identical looks of firm resolve mixed with satisfaction.

Mr Blackbourne held up his hand for quiet at the immediate outburst of noise. "Perhaps we should talk to Miss Sorenson first, gentlemen. Reassure her that all is well." He said quietly as he looked around the room.

Sean pointed towards Victor's bedroom. "Sang's been in there ever since we all arrived." Seeing the look of concern on his brothers' faces he hastened to add "She's fine. I went in and checked not long ago. She could be dozing by now though. She was just making sure that cat was okay, before coming to see us all."

Kota and the chief relaxed slightly. "Right, well I think we should talk to her privately. Kota, let's go." Mr. Blackbourne turned before anyone could argue the point with him. Sang deserved to hear good news first.

Kota smiled reassuringly at everyone before quickly following the Mr. Blackbourne.

"Fuck. How much longer do we need to wait to find out if everything is okay with Peanut." Nathan groaned running his hands through his hair for the fiftieth time that night.

"Relax Nate." Silas spoke up. "Here, play this game with Victor while we wait" he continued, passing the Xbox controller over to him as he spoke, only briefly acknowledging Nathan's nod of thanks before talking quietly to North.

Twenty minutes later after watching the continued fidgeting by all six of them Sean finally spoke up, "Relax, guys. You know should full well neither Kota or Mr Blackbourne would have left until they got exactly what they wanted. Which is Sang free from those people, and their positive reassurance that they will never approach her ever again. Without that, they would be still there pointing out exactly what their lives would be like if they don't do what they're told." Sean stopped talking and sighed.

"He wanted to take her to that boarding school." Kota spoke up quietly as he walked back in. "He thought he could just walk in after abandoning her months ago, and neglecting her all her life, and she would do whatever he wanted. God, I despise him." He exclaimed suddenly, as he sat down next to Victor with a thump.

"You sorted it out right Kota! That fucker isn't ever going to come near my Trouble again. Right!" Gabe blurted out, his usually wild sparkly eyes tinged with anger.

"Yeah, Gabe. We definitely sorted it all out. They can never get to her again. Not if they want to live. You know how scary Mr Blackbourne can be?" Seeing everyone nod and start to grin slightly he continued "Well, so do they now. All of them. They were all but hysterical by the time he finished with them."

"Good. They deserve every bad thing that ever happens to them. They put Princess though hell."

"Yeah. Well I'm a bit pissed at you to be honest Kota." North declared.

"Me? Why?" Kota asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Because you got the pleasure of hitting that miserable bastard, and I've been wanting to do that since we first met Sang."

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