Chapter Twenty-Eight. Have We Been Cat Burgled?

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This one is for Martha Clanton (aka Red) who enjoyed Mr X from the first moment I wrote about him.

Sang walked up the path to Nathan's door giggling with Sean. Their laughter came to an abrupt halt when they heard the eruption of several voices at once.

Sean automatically threw his arm in front of Sang stopping her midstride. "Hold it Pumpkin, something's wrong." he stated quickly as his eyes darkened.

"Yes, I hear that Sean. Don't you think we should go and see what's happening though?"

"No Miss Sorenson. Wait here with Sean until we receive the all clear please." The chief demanded as he quickly moved around the pair and headed straight for the ruckus continuing inside.

"It'll be alright Sweetie." Sean reassured her when he saw Luke appear at the door and signal them to come in.

Sang cautiously entered the living room and stopped dead as her eyes widened in disbelief. Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped in shock.

Lowering her hands slowly she almost whispered "Oh No. Nathan. What happened? Were you burgled as well as vandalised?" Sang looked around slowly taking in the shredded drapes and cushions, before her eyes fell on TV. "Where is Mr Xavier? Did someone kidnap him as well as ruin your home?" Sang gasped as she began to suddenly look around frantically.

"We don't think so Sweetie." Kota said gently. "Nothing has been taken. Just trashed."

"Why would anyone do such a thing?" Sang asked, looking bewildered at the looks of angered disbelief on the boys' faces.

"Well Trouble, at a guess, I'd say only a total fucking psycho would do this as an act of revenge." Gabe declared as he held up several pairs of boxers when he walked into the room.

Sang's eyes bulged again. "Revenge against whom. Nathan hasn't hurt anyone. He's far too nice." she began, beginning to look indignant at the thought of someone wrecking Nathan's property.

"Against all of us Aggele." Silas declared as he recognised some of the clothes Gabe threw down in disgust.

"I don't understand. You are all the best people I've ever met. Who on earth..." she began just as North interrupted.

"Baby, it wasn't people who did this. It was that god awful cat." he declared loudly.

"North is right Princess." Victor said softly as he walked over from heaving the now broken television off the floor with Luke. "Only things that belonged to one of us have been destroyed. Nothing of yours has. Plus, there is no sign of a break in anywhere."

Sang looked down at the book she had left on the coffee table still very much intact, as a feeling of dread engulfed her. Before she could speak the boys continued.

"It's the only logical explanation Cupcake," Luke said gently, as he kept a subtle eye on Nathan.

"Where is he?" Mr Blackbourne asked looking around, his jaw tight as he gritted his teeth.

"On Peanut's bed. Asleep. I didn't kill him like I wanted to." Nathan growled.

"Oh Nathan. This is terrible. I am so sorry." Sang blinked hard, looked shocked and closed her eyes. "This is my fault. I should have stayed here with him. I knew he was fretful and sad."

"Oh bull fucking shit, Sang Baby. You can't not leave the house because that mongrel fleabag doesn't want you to." North yelled, totally ignoring the fleeting looks of amusement that crossed the faces of several of his brothers. Unless they missed their guess not so long ago North would have been the first to suggest Sang not leave the house.

"North is right Sweetie. You had nothing to do with this." Kota confirmed as he continued to collect foam and fluff into a garbage bag.

Nathan sighed loudly, threw the destroyed drapes into a pile and went and hugged Sang. He put his hand gently over her mouth before she could say a word. "It's okay, Peanut. The drapes needed replacing anyway according to Gabe."

"Damn fucking straight they did. They've been bugging the shit out of me for a long time." Gabe declared.

"Besides, half the guys like going commando whenever they can, Pumpkin." Sean added, smirking as Mr Blackbourne glared and Kota went a faint tinge of pink.

"Miss Sorenson, you and I will go and check Mr Xavier out while the boys finish cleaning up his handiwork. I think we need to discuss his mental health." the chief suggested as he held his hand out to her.

"Go on Aggele. I promise none of us touched a hair on his precious head." Silas said quietly before hugging her and continuing to help his brothers.

"I'm proud of you boys. I would have probably murdered that cat if I'd been the first through the door." Sean declared as he walked back in from a quick check of the bedroom.

"It wasn't from lack of trying, Doc." Nathan declared honestly.

"Yeah, the only reason that miserable little fucker is still alive is because Kota and Luke managed to tackle Nathan before he found him." Gabe declared.

"Well, now all we have to do is convince Sang she's innocent of abetting a known felon and all will be right in our world. Right guys." Luke declared. "Another possible benefit is we could possibly avoid him more now." He continued, causing several faces to brighten considerably.

"Yes. Except Princess adores him. She'll want to help him." Victor was quick to point out.

"She won't abandon him. She doesn't realise he's evil." Kota added as he readjusted his glasses.

"Well I am not volunteering to take that shit head cat to therapy with Sang Baby. The chief introduced to the two of them. It's his problem." North declared loudly.

"Therapy? Do you really think that will help, North?" Silas asked with a grin slowly starting to appear.

"Well it couldn't fucking hurt." Nathan sighed, before he quickly peeked out the door . "Euthanasia is not an option. Unfortunately." he added. "But he sure as fuck is not coming back here. I'd introduce him to Max if I thought it would do any good."

"Nathan's right boys." Sean grinned before starting the vacuum cleaner. "I'm certainly not volunteering to explain to Sang how he suddenly disappeared either. So don't get any more ideas."

"Mr Blackbourne will think of something guys. Gabe will sort the drapes and things out. It'll be fine." Kota declared as they all finished putting things to rights.

"Too fucking right I will Nate. I'll sort it tomorrow first thing." Gabe declared, rubbing his hands together as he looked around with his eyes narrowed. "I fucking hate painting, but I think I'll make an exception for you mate." He murmured as he turned slowly, eyeing everything with a vision forming in his mind.

"Whoa, Gabe. Let's not get carried away here." Nathan started, as Luke and Sean started to laugh.

"Don't worry Nathan. Leave it with me. It'll look fucking awesome. I don't suppose that fucking feral feline wrecked the lounge too, did he?" He asked half hopeful suddenly.

"Well Owen was very pleased with the lounge he bought to replace the one that was ruined." Sean admitted. "Do you think we need to make some sort of arrangement with that shop? I can see this happening again." He grinned at the idea.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary, Sean." the chief stated firmly walking in to hear the last of the conversation. "Miss Sorenson and I will be taking Mr Xavier to an expert as soon as possible. We've decided together that we will do everything we can to assist Mr Xavier overcome his 'anxiety disorder'".

Sean laughed as he saw his friend use his hands to make exclamation marks around those words. The boys however, ranged from disbelief to annoyance.

"Anxiety disorder! Are you kidding, Mr Blackbourne?" Victor exclaimed as he put a calming hand on Nathan's shoulder.

"That is Miss Sorenson's opinion. It is certainly not mine." He finally admitted. However, if any of you wish to explain otherwise to our sweet Sang, feel free to do the honours. In my opinion, however, this is as good a deal as I could make."

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