Chapter 5

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Chapter 4. ( All right guys here's chapter four ! Lemme know what ya think)

As we entered the castle, we were still giggling and laughing making our way to the family room.

" Welcome home girls. Any good sales this weekend ?" Sulpicia asked while taking my bags from me. Due to the fact that I was human, I was given special treatment. I soon learned I wasn't allowed to cook for myself, clean for myself, walk down the stairs, drive by myself, and on and on. They thought I might bust my head while walking down a couple of steps.

I sighed and sat down next to Alec on the couch. Weird how I was so comfortable around them. Being that they found my blood incredibly mouthwatering. I admit at times I got scared , but hey what were you expecting ?

"Hey Bells," I sighed happily. I loved it when he said my name. it made me feel all mushy and gushy in the inside.

"Hi Alec." We Hadn't talked much since I got here yesterday but I was willing to change that. I didn't know if I was ready for another relationship at the moment but I think I can make an exception for his mighty hotness.

Alec opened his mouth to say something but was soon cut off by Aro. I frowned a little and looked up.

"So my dear Bella. Would you like to explain to us now how you knew so much about vampires beforehand ?" Aro interrogated. Oh Darn. I forgot I told him that I would explain all this shit to him later. Was I even allowed to shit in this place ? Oh what about hell ? That one was my favorite curse word.

"Well Um Yeah I guess." I sighed and I noticed Alec threw his arm around me while continuing with their lame jokes about humans. I took that a bit offensive but shrug it off.

The girls and Aro paid close attention being patient whenever I hesitated.

" Well I guess you could say I knew a coven of vampires before I knew about the Volturi." I noticed how this caused all the guys to shut up and look at me wide eyed. I don't even know why I was telling them the truth. I mean can't they ( Cullens) get in trouble for letting a human in on their secret ?

" Oh my. And what coven might that be my dear?" Athendora asked while smiling gently at me. I took a deep breath trying not to break down at the mention of their name.

"The Olympic Coven. The Cullens" I whispered knowing they would still be able to hear me. I noticed their expressions. Aro was shocked while the others' expression were filled with curiously and amusement.

"You knew Carlisle Cullen ? They let you in on their secret !?" Demetri questioned as if he wasn't believing his ears.

" No no that can't be true. Carlisle is one of my very close companions. He would never break a rule." Aro mostly tried to convince himself that.

" Yes I did know Carlisle. He was like a second father to me. No they did not let me in on their secret. I actually found out myself. I mean it was kind of obvious." I smiled sheepishly which caused them to chuckle lightly.

"So how did you first meet them ?" Felix asked in a curious tone which was odd for him since he was the goofy type. It was like picturing Emmett trying to read a book.

" I uh actually went to school with Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Ed-E-Edward," I tried not to make it too obvious that I hated to talk about them. I don't think they noticed because they kept asking questions.

"So what kind of relationship ties did you exactly have with the Cullen family?" Uncle Marcus asked me. Whoa. Uncle Marcus was actually interested in something ? Shocker !

" Well like I said Carlisle was like a father to me. Esme was like my mother and they made me feel like I was actually they're daughter. They were very nice people" I smiled as did everyone else and Aro beamed.

They waited for me so I went on.

" Alice was like a sister to me as well as Rose. Emmett and Jasper were like the big brothers I had always wanted." I was on the brink of tears and I think they noticed because Jane, Sulpicia, Athendora, Chelsea, and Heidi came over to me and gave me a short hug.

I sighed and waited for the next question to be asked and which I knew would be about him.

"And what about that Edward guy. Cause u have seen him before and he is HAWT !" Chelsea boomed causing all of us girls to laugh. I bit my lip nervously.

" Edward was my boyfriend. So moving on anymore questions ?!" I asked desperately trying to change the subject before anyone caught on.

I heard a growl coming from Alec and gasps from the other members.

" You mean you had a vampire boyfriend?" Heidi asked me shocked.

I simply nodded my head and sighed.

"Wow. Lucky Bella." Chelsea said while grinning at me. I gave a weary smile back and lifted my feet up so I could rest my forehead against my knees. This was usually how I had to hold my self together. I took deep breaths and Athendora asked me the question I was most nervous about answering.

" SO Bella darling. What happened ? I mean why did you want to die. It seems to me you had a great life," I could sense they were all looking at me waiting for my answer and that's when I began my story.

I explained to them about my birthday, Jasper, Edward leaving me in the forest. Everything. I think they deserved to know.

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt someone hold me to their chest. I looked up and met Alec's anger filled eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. Every time ! Every time I try to forget the memories keep flooding back to me ! It's like I can't escape the past. I ran up to my room human speed. The vampires downstairs knew not to bother me for now or else they would've caught up to me in no time.

I locked the door and jumped into bed. Why ? I asked myself. Was I not good enough for him ? Was I not capable of being loved ? I asked myself these questions over and over again.

I heard a soft knock on the door about an hour later and I slowly got up and opened the door. I unlocked it and opened it to reveal Alec.

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