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"Trust... You?"

Suddenly I want to laugh. It's absurd, but everything about this situation is absurd.

"Are you serious?"

Rhenyan's energy falls and tenses at the same time.

"Xena, I know this is-"

"No, you don't know anything! You have no idea!" That urge to laugh hits me again. "You came in to rescue me from the lab, but you have no idea what you're doing."

His expression hardens at my words. "Oh really? Care to explain?"

I don't know what's going on anymore. I want to laugh and cry and run all at once. Do I want to explain? Explain which part? The part about my secret that I can't tell absolutely anyone - even myself most of the time? The fact that my mother has been using me for the past 4 years as a way to collect bounty? The question of where in the world my mother even got money to hire anyone - and also why? Why would she turn me in for a bounty just to hire someone to get me back? She's crazy, but she's not stupid. Why would she circle money around like that?

Rhenyan shifts, making me jump. His eyes are slightly glowing, like he's using just enough to scan the area but not really interacting with anything. Don't tell me - he's got backup, doesn't he? He's got people waiting at a specific distance behind us, just far enough that I don't feel them, but close enough that he can call them when he needs.

"No, not really."

The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. Really? I had nothing else?

"Then can we continue?"


He rolls his eyes. "Then what are you going to do now? Are we going to just stand here all day?"

His voice is scary in a way that Auroya's isn't. Auroya is scary because she knows everything I was ever planning to do. Rhenyan is scary because he somehow has made me feel comfortable in this situation. He's been kind to me mostly, and seems to want to share information with me. He seems to care if I'm confused or angry or hurt.

But maybe that's their thing. He's the nice one and she's the mean - it gives me a reason to trust him more, even if it's a reason they forced onto me. Even though they keep dodging my questions, he's still the one who tries to make sure I'm not totally alienated. Maybe that's their whole plan.

And it's working, isn't it? Because when Auroya was mad at me, I didn't care. Sure, I was angry, and wanted to attack back, but I didn't feel hurt. But right now... when I feel like I can't trust Rhenyan... I'm physically hurting.

It's crazy. I've barely known these people for over a day, but already I feel like I trust Rhenyan. I have absolutely no reason to. But the idea that he's mad or upset with me makes me feel physically sick. My heart hurts.

I want to tell him I trust him, so badly. Is that what he wants? Is that what he was going for this whole time? What if I'm right about that being their plan?

Something in those words makes me stop. Kind? Trust? And they said... They were hired to do this?

"Who... Who hired you, again?"

His eyes flash. "Your mother."

I shake my head. "Who really hired you, Rhenyan? I don't believe that for a second."

Now his energy hesitates. I'm close enough that I can see his face, but I can't read his glowing eyes. Auroya's energy is growing steadily as I assume they're talking.

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