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Rhenyan's voice is in my mind briefly before the battle dome explodes in a blinding array of whites and blues. Faster than I ever thought possible, I feel his energy collide with the three surrounding me; one in front, ready to deliver the final blow; one at my right, holding my arms; and one at my back. Instantly, they're blasted away from me with incredible force. I gasp as I'm suddenly, dizzyingly released, the rope now broken, and everything around me comes rushing back. I hear all of the thoughts of the men, who are now nowhere near me. I hear all of the trees and animals, feeling their presence like family. And I feel Rhenyan. He'd broken through the rope and gotten into my mind again.

Come to me.

His mental voice doesn't sound quite like his own. It has a smooth undertone to it, one that makes my stomach clench. It sounds like... he's charmed.

I'm not charmed. Come to me.

I hesitate. I can't find anything else wrong with his energy. It's definitely his, just... a lot stronger, and... It just doesn't sound like him. It's not his voice. It's the voice of someone who's being controlled. It's-

I hear a shuffle behind me, and instantly whip around, ready to fight. Only to find it's Rhenyan. I didn't recognize him at first, but it's him. He's floating above the ground, and his body isn't visible at all. Instead, where his torso and head should be is just a blinding white ball of energy, surrounded by the 5 elements. I cover my eyes instinctively, but it doesn't help - I can't look in his direction at all.

"Rhenyan?" I yell over the volume of his energy. I feel his energy reach out to me slowly, as if testing-

Then suddenly Auroya shoves me out of the way. I fall to the ground hard, my breath knocked out of me, pain buzzing through my elbow and hip. She's yelling something I don't understand at Rhenyan. His energy is still reaching out to where I was, as if he can't tell I'm not there anymore. Auroya's energy feels angry, like nothing I've ever felt. She's furious about something.

Come to me, Xena.

"Xena, don't do it!" Auroya yells immediately afterwards. "Stay right there!" She's running circles around Rhenyan with incredible speed, and though I don't feel her energy anywhere near him, I can tell she's stopping him, making him hesitate.

Come to me.

"What's going on?" I try to ask Auroya, but I can't even hear myself over the pressure of his energy.

"That's not Rhenyan talking!"

"What do you mean, that's not him?" How could it not be him? It's his energy! Kind of. The closer I look and feel at the massive ball of energy surrounding him, the more I begin to think there is someone else there. But how is that possible? Even if it were a charm, the placer's energy isn't imbued to it.

Rhenyan's energy shoots out to me, stopping a hand's width from my face. My breath catches. Auroya's yelling gets louder. It was so fast I hadn't sensed the movement. It's amazing that he can move so quickly, but right now I'm far from amazed. If that isn't him reaching out to me, then that speed is against me - and I hadn't even felt it move, let alone had the reflexes to block or dodge it.

Come to me, Xena!

I squeeze my eyes shut. That's his voice. That's him. But... I do hear something else. Someone else? I'm not sure. But it's not entirely him, or not just him. I want to listen to him, so badly. He's the only person I've really felt I could trust since Ande 7 years ago. But Auroya is right here telling me that right now I can't trust him?


Auroya stops in front of me, a massive burst of wind following her. Rhenyan's energy retracts slightly the moment she stops so it won't touch her. Her arms are out wide, and she's breathing hard. She still feels so angry, but now I can tell there's something else she's hiding, something like desperation, or a strong want. Like she's pleading with him. They stand staring each other down for at least a couple minutes, neither one breaking eye contact or moving except for her breathing.

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