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The walk to wherever we're going isn't too far. About an hour passes before Auroya lets us know we're halfway there. She looks at me when she says it, and I know she's thinking of what I'd admitted earlier to thinking she's some kind of night crawler. I blush a bit. She grins and punches me in the arm. Though it hurt a bit, I've realized that kind of roughhousing is their sign that they're comfortable with me.

Comfortable. How do you get comfortable with somebody in - how long has it been? 4 days? 5?

It's not like this is a normal situation. High-stress situations like this tend to foster emotions at a higher rate than usual, both positive and negative.

But still. How can I feel this comfortable around people I've only known for a handful of hours?

I shake my head. Rhenyan glances at me but says nothing. He's been rather quiet during this walk, all things considered, but it doesn't feel like a bad thing. I could tell when he was angry, and that's the reason he was quiet. This isn't the same.

Another 40 minutes or so later, Auroya slows down considerably. Rhenyan instantly reacts to her, his energy reaching out around us. We're fairly close to a city now - the dirt trail has gotten more compacted, and up ahead are some general noises of an outdoor market. He better be careful reaching out like that. They said no magic around here, right? Though I'm sure he's hidden perfectly well, I can't help but worry.

He takes his energy back at the same time a little blue wisp pops out from behind a tree. Though it doesn't have a face or expression of any kind, it does have the feeling of emotion, like feeling someone's energy, and it doesn't seem too pleased to see us. I feel Rhenyan's energy reach out to Auroya, who then reaches out to the wisp.

It's a tiny ball of energy, really, but unlike most energy, it doesn't seem attached to any specific person. If I created a wisp of energy, it could still be tracked back to me during most points of its life - unless it's destroyed or taken by someone else, both of which would sever its connection to me. It would also require constant upkeep to keep it in physical form and away from me.

With no direct connection, it'd be impossible to figure out who's energy it is. Fernanda's security, maybe?

No. Rhenyan's voice in my mind startles me. It's almost completely silent outside, and I'd gotten used to the tranquil, ambient noises of the forest. His voice is like a gong. This isn't hers. Auroya thinks it's the city's.

How could she possibly know the difference?

It's memories. It has personality. Its goals. There are several things that tipped her off.

It's barely been out for 20 seconds, and she's already deduced enough to know where it's from?

Guess. She's guessed. She doesn't know.

But she said her intuition hasn't been wrong yet. Geez, no wonder I haven't been able to hide anything.

Auroya steps forward, still connected with Rhenyan. The blue wisp trails backward, away from her.

Let's go. Rhenyan says quietly.

We start off, following the wisp into the outskirts of town. I take a moment to revel in the fact that I've gotten so used to speaking through energy. I was never able to do it at home, as it would scare my siblings and make my mother suspicious, and I was afraid to show anything at any of my workplaces. Being around these two has been good practice, the kind that I've not yet been able to receive.

Is the blue orb magic only? Is that why the city wouldn't be afraid to use them?

Rhenyan physically nods. Mundanes can't see energy like this, only people with magic can. So as long as we don't do anything weird, they can use this all they want to lead anyone anywhere.

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