Epilogue: New beginnings

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I double-check the map, then triple-check it again. This is definitely it. I take a deep breath. I just need to do it. I can't wait any longer. I'm already here.

I walk up to the large mansion and press the button on the side of the brass gates. I hear a small buzz, then a voice.

"Who's there?"

I clutch my notebook in my hands tightly. "My name is Xena. I need help. Rhenyan told me how to find you."

How to find him was an understatement - the when and the where were just as esoteric. Not only was this man located on another world, in another universe, but the address of his property also changed every other month. There's also a barrier around the perimeter that deters anyone and everyone, and if you happened to get through that, there are numerous, more aggressive security systems awaiting you atop the fence.

There's silence for a few beats. I take a deep but silent breath and force myself to remain calm. Unnecessary stress has no place in my life right now. Rhenyan said this would be all I needed.

"Enter the gates and approach the door to the right."

The gates open slowly and with a loud squealing noise. I wince but step forward anyway. The lawn inside is just as beautiful as outside. Hundreds of different kinds of plants line all the structures here - benches, pillars, fountains, even the inside of the gates. I pause for a moment, curiosity and awe dropping my mouth open like an idiot. I quickly compose myself and head further in.

Up a flight of 42 stairs is a grand marble entryway with three doors. I go to the one on the right and use the door knocker. It opens immediately, and a well dressed man in a navy blue suit beckons me inside. I nod to him with a smile and head down the narrow hallway. When I reach the door on the other side, I sense several magical security systems turn online. I work through each one quickly, turning off first the alarms, then the traps, then the whole system. Before long, the door opens.

The next room is even more grand than the outside. The ceiling is at least 100 feet tall and adorned with a mix of golden and clear crystals that tinkle in an artificial breeze. The lowest hanging crystal is all alone within grasp, 30 feet lower than any other. I reach up and pull on it. It comes off easily in my hand. I turn and hold it out to a section of wall that looks identical to every other part of the wall. It detaches itself long enough to take the crystal from my hand with a ladle-shaped piece of crystal inside. Then it closes, and I hear a small whirring sound. A section of the wall further down opens up like a door, and out steps a gray haired man with wide open arms.

"Welcome, young one. I have to say, I'm a bit astonished to see you. I was warned, of course, but not this early!"

I smile and bow my head slightly. "There was a slight change of plans. I apologize for any inconvenience."

"Nonsense. Any ally of Rhenyan is an ally of mine!" He lowers his arms and removes a cigar from his mouth that I'm sure hadn't been there before. "Now, I'm sure you know the terms, yes?"

I nod. Two years only. I'll have two years to rest here and learn as much as I can about my magic. Rhenyan had suggested this as my fifth or sixth stop. He'd done that in case I needed more time to prepare any supplies, or to dodge anything unexpected. But everything has gone smoothly since he left four and a half months ago. I've stayed exactly where he suggested, for 1 month each, gathering everything I'd need to create, practice, clean, and reverse spells. I'm also here for the collection on Soul Magic history, and if I get bored of that, I'll have servants to train and spar with. Rhenyan said everyone here is totally reliable, and can be trusted with everything - including my magic. 

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