the last hour

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"Ash, what's going on here?" I ask, my voice shaky.
"Euphrasia.." He says as if he lost his voice.
"Who's she?" I ask pointing to the women standing behind him.
"Im his fiancée, who are you?" The lady says.

My stomach flips at the ladies word fiancée. Ash turns to silence her but i don't even really care. The spot that was once filled with love is now replaced with nothing but regret. Regret that i let this strange man have all of me and let him see me at my sensitive times.

"Who is she Ash?" The lady says and i want to speak up but i don't. I look at Ash to see what kind of bullshit is going to come from his mouth.
"Can you just wait in the car?" He asks her. She looks at him and then at me before grabbing the little child and walking out the door.

"What the hell was that?" i ask him. "Who the hell was that?" Questions floated through my mind as i looked at the man i once called the love of my life in the eye.

"Euphrasia, please. Let me explain."
"No. Anything that comes out your mouth is a complete bullshit lie."
"That's not true." He says stepping closer to me but i step back.

"It's not true? You're fucking engaged with a child!" I yell at him. "I should've known not to given you my virginity." I say without thinking.
"You told me you weren't!" He yells at me.
"I guess we're both liars!" I yell back.

"Flight 772 for Greece is now boarding. I repeat flight 772 for Greece is now boarding." The lady over the speaker say. We look at each other in as we realize our last hour together is tainted by the night we had together.

My eyes are filled with tears. Tears because i have been lied to twice in the past twelve hours. Hurt by the people i thought could never hurt me. Instead, i was wrong. I was proven wrong.

"Euphrasia, please just let me..."
"This will be the last time we see each." I tell him. "Forget me, forget the last twelve hours, forget us." I say as i back up towards the door. I leave with a heavy sigh and wait a few moments.

I knew he wasn't going to come after me, but i still had hope. I walk back to my gate, grab my stuff and board the plane that was meant to start a new life all over again. Once im seated, i check my phone. Calls from my mom pop up as text from Noah pop up.

I decided not to answer as ill be changing my number as soon as i get to Greece. That'll be the first thing i do. After ill find a hotel to stay at while i search for jobs and then i'll look for places to live and a car to own. I had it figured out. I pushed my phone back into my purse when i noticed a piece of paper, the same paper that Ash was writing on. I hesitantly unfolded it and read the note carefully.

" Dear Euphrasia,

There's only two possible ways you could be reading this. One, you're on the plane and don't know about my secret or two you're on the plane because of my secret. The truth is, i'm engaged. I know what you're thinking but it isn't like that. Hannah and I meet back in high school. I was going through a rough time so i got into drinking and drugs. One night at a party, i meet Hannah and i fall in love with her almost immediately. At first it was love but it didn't stay like that. We fought and argued almost every other day. We betrayed each other and lied for revenge. It was like our safe space was each other but we was crumbling but too afraid to leave. I did leave her though and that's when she got crazy on me. Like i said, i had been doing drugs and at a party i was drugged by Hannah. She had sex with me and impregnated herself so that we could be together "forever" in her mind. I told her i'd stay but only for the baby and not because i loved her. But she didn't care as long as i was in her life. Pretty soon we got engaged since her parents didn't like babies with no marriage. I love you Euphrasia and i always will. You're my twin flame, my soulmate, my eternity. And maybe right now i can't have you, but i will soon.

Yours forever, Ash."

My eyes scan the note as i realized that i made a big mistake. It wasn't his fault, it was never his fault. I blamed him for something that he had no control over.

I want to get off this plane, tell him that i love him, that i love all of him but the plane is already in the air. I look out the window to see Ash and Hannah hugging while their child is in between them in the parking lot. Im not mad, i understand what Ash has to do.

I sigh as i lean back in my seat. This was my life. A life filled with heartbreaks and mistakes. A reckless night that turned into something much more than i ever thought it could. I run my hands over the heart tattoo Ash and I got.

The tattoo store where Ash first said i love you to me. I wish i could go back, tell him to come with me or that ill stay with him. I would rather do than then face my life in Greece without him. But that's what im doing, im facing my life without him.


"Are you ready to go?" Cedric asked me.
"Yeah, im ready babe." I said to him.

It has been two year since i left Washington. When i first left, i couldn't stop thinking about Ash. I couldn't stop thinking about his light brown hair or his brown eyes. I looked at my tattoo everyday just to remember our short time together.

But after awhile, i looked at my tattoo less and less and often times, i even forgot it was there. I had no choice but to forget about him once Cedric came into my life. He helped me get the job i have to day and without him, id probably be back in Washington.

It was rough at first. Trying to adjust to a new world while forgetting the most important person attach to your old world. It was hard, but i did it and i couldn't be happier.

As Cedric and I waited to cross the street. I saw a familiar body in the distance. It's weird right? I been here two years and still don't know that many people. But i could've swore i know this back of a person. The person then turns around revealing a part of my past i wish day and night to forget.

Ash Ledger.

He stood that, light brown hair longer this time. Wearing a see through white button up and ripped jeans with nikes. He had glasses on to block out the sun and im scared to admit it, but he looks even better than he did two year ago.

Almost as if he can sense me, he turns around and sees me. He smiles a big smile before realizing that im not alone. He gazes at Cedric and for a moment, i want to pull away from him but i can't. Cedric is all i ever known since i have been here and i can't just give that up.

But a hard force is pulling me over to Ash, like it did two years ago in Washington. But this time, it's in Greece and my gut tells me that i am in for one hell of a ride.

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