Chapter Five: Counter Attack

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We were walking through the tunnels and I kept an eye on Tarkin. Echo and Fives were walking either side of me as we made sure we weren't attacked from behind.

"I've never seen you like that before, General." Echo says after a moment and I smile. "Would you have killed him?"

"Depends if he annoys me any further." I reply with a simple shrug.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." Fives says moving to the side slightly in a joking manner.

"I would never try and hurt you boys. You're family, I'd just yell at you or something." Echo lets out a laugh and so does Fives. Hearing something, I stop and turn around. Telling the boys to walk on, I jump up and lodge myself between the cliff.

A probe droid. Igniting my white blade, I let myself fall and slice it in half. Looking back, I made sure no more were following before catching up with the group. Anakin asks to switch places with me. Nodding, I head to the front making sure not to overtake Ahsoka.

"I am concerned that the Jedi have elected this child to lead the group." Tarkin says, making me push past some of his crew.

"This child as you say is a higher rank than you, Tarkin. Treat her with the same respect you expect your crew to give you." I snap at him, making him back away from me. Echo pulls me backward and nods at Rex.

"I've served with her many times, and I trust her, captain." Rex says adding onto my point. Ahsoka turns the corner and we run into a dead end. Hearing blaster shots, I pull my lightsaber out and deflect the shots to protect the clones.

Some of the new droids pulled out shields and I frown. We couldn't destroy them so we were being pushed back. Ahsoka comes back to us and activates two grenades and rolls them under the shield. They explode and I cover my face.

Once the wall is blown, we carry onto the point where Artoo was to collect us. We headed into the pipe and I couldn't stand the fumes. We made sure to not use any lights or the blasters since they could ignite the pipe.

Ahsoka climbed onto higher ground and went ahead making me smile. I'm glad she disobeyed my brother and came along because without her we certainly would be stuck. I only hoped Obi-Wan was looking after my padawan just as well as we were looking after Ahsoka.

"How much longer are we going to wander through this tunnel in the dark?" Tarkin complained. Rex stopped me from pushing past him, making me inhale deeply.

"Captain Tarkin, haven't you learned to trust me by now?" Anakin questions.

"You may have earned my trust, General Skywalker, but my faith in your comrades is still lacking." Tarkin replies and I assume that was aimed at Ahsoka and I. Was he intimidated by the fact that females outrank him or something.

"You lack faith in the Jedi." Anakin realises, makes me frown.

"I find their tactics ineffective. The Jedi code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win, they very reason why peacekeepers shouldn't be leading the war." Tarkin explains making me ball my fists.

Anakin glances back to me and notices my look. "Have I offended you?" Tarkin asks my brother.

"No but my sister thinks otherwise." Pushing Rex to the side, I ignite my saber and put it to Tarkin's neck.

"Perhaps you should watch your words, Captain." I spat with venom laced on my every word. "Because though The Jedi Code is in place, I can easily break it right here." Inching the blade closer to his neck, he begins to squirm under my hold.

"Alright, that's enough Thea." Anakin says with humour laced in his tone. Letting the Captain go, I walk ahead of the group towards Ahsoka's position. She sends me a smirk and I shrug.

"I think I found a way out." Ahsoka says to her master as I climb the ladder. "What do you see Master?" She asks as I lift the hatch.

"Looks like the coast is clear." Pushing the hatch away, two blasters are pointed at me. Smirking, I jump up and slice them with ease. Turning around, I see many more droids approaching.

My brother and I plus his padawan all deflect the incoming blaster shots while the troops get to safety. We get off the fuel line and hide behind a large rock for cover.

"The plan's been compromised." Tarkin says.

"Way to point out the obvious." I remark at Tarkin who sends me a glare. "I suggest moving to plan B!"

Anakin nods. "Hand me a charge!" His clone captain passes him one and he throws it at the fuel line. It exploded a moment after hopefully destroying the remaining droids. My prayers were answered when a few droid pieces landed in front of us.

Hearing blaster fire, we ignite our sabers and run to Obi-Wan, deflecting shots as we go. More droids were arriving and we needed to get out of here. Turning my head, I see the bouncy droids arrive with shields. Rex throws a charge and knocks them over but it doesn't destroy them.

Echo grabs a shield from the floor and runs for the shuttle. Fives and I notice the turret changing target. "Echo look out!" Fives yells. Running forward, I use the force to push him out the way. The turret blasts the shuttle and I dive in the direction I pushed Echo as it exploded.





Word Count: 930

A short chapter since the explosion happened early. It's also a short chapter because when I wrote it, I was very busy doing something else. Chapters vary depending on time and if I base it on an episode from TCW.

Also while preparing this chapter, I did taunt elegant_jedi like always. If you haven't gone to her profile you really should because her stories are amazing. I love her very much and she's a queen. 

Love you all 3000 and leave your thoughts in the comments. <3333

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