Chapter Seven: Scars

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TW: Sensitive Topics are mentioned in this chapter. This chapter includes r@pe, click off now!!!

[Age 17, Coruscant]

Walking through the streets of Coruscant was a way to clear my mind. It was a relaxing thing for me to do when I felt too much pressure at The Temple. Another thing that made me relax was a few drinks and in truth, I was tipsy. Hearing a whistle, I pull my jacket tighter over my body. Since I was a female my padawan braid looked like your average hairstyle, so no one could tell I was a Jedi.

Feeling someone grab me, I try and punch them but another hand grabs me before I could. Two guys stood there with sick smiles on their faces. One had blonde hair and the other was dark-haired. Trying to get myself out of their grips, I tried to contact my brother through force. The two boys pulled me towards an alley and touched me, making me squirm. The constant touching wasn't allowing me to focus, so Anakin was oblivious to what was happening right now.

They had brought me to the lower levels of Coruscant after the first time and covered my mouth with some cloth and tied my wrists together. Any noise I made was muffled. When they brought me to an apartment, I noticed another guy was sitting there.

"You two couldn't wait," He says addressing the other two. "Stay here, it's my turn." Once the other two left, he smiled. He dragged me to the bedroom and threw me onto the bed. He stripped down and crawled over to me and I tried to move away but my movement was restricted.

Tears ran down my face and I attempted to fight back. I was angry and my anger fuelled my power. Feeling the familiar feeling of the force flow through me, I used it to push him off me and I turned around. He let out a chuckle.

"We aren't done yet, sweetheart." He says, with a sickening smile

"I believe you are." Turning my gaze to the door, I see my Obi-Wan there with his lightsaber ignited. The guy's smile turned into an expression of absolute fear. "Get out." He gathers his clothing before heading back to the living room.

My brother's master deactivates his lightsaber before removing his cloak from his body. He approaches me slowly and removes the cloth from my mouth and my restraints, his head turned so he wouldn't look at me in such a vulnerable state.

"Obi." I murmur taking his cloak from his hands. He shushes me . Slipping his brown cloak around my naked body. Standing from the bed, I stumble but Obi-Wan stops me from falling.

"I've called the local police, they'll deal with these three." Hearing my master's voice, I turn my head to see him standing in the doorway. "Let's get you home."

The journey back was silent. The two didn't question why I was out past curfew and I was grateful. When we got back to The Temple, Master Plo escorted me back to my quarters and made sure I was alright. Once, I showered and dressed, he embraced me in a hug.

"Time for bed." He ushers me. Slipping under sheets, I felt safe. "I'll be here the whole night, Thea." He says, walking away from my bed.

"Thanks dad." I murmur as Master Plo leaves. I feel tiredness take over my body.

[Age 9, Tatooine]

Zygerrians' visiting the desert planet of Tatooine wasn't common but it was welcomed. The slavers here would kiss the feet of Zygerrians' and let them take control for the day and I happened to be working that day. At a young age, I didn't actually know them.

When they saw that I had stopped working, I was whipped. Screaming in pain, I dropped to the floor as tears blurred my vision. Another ripple of pain shot through my body as the whip came in contact with my back once more.

"Get back to work." They ordered and I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. Grabbing the cloth, I began to scrub some droid parts as they watched me like a hawk. Hearing the whip power on, I raise my hands to defend myself but the Zygerrian flew back and was knocked unconscious.

Fearing for my life, I ran. Not only had something strange happened but these Zygerrians showed zero mercy. I've never been whipped in my life. Running with three whip marks on my back didn't go unnoticed. Anakin rushed over to me and I cried in his arms. He took me back home where our mother was meant to be.

"She's not here," I cried while blood ran down my back. "It hurts Ani, it hurts so much." He sat me down and grabbed a bucket of water and some clothes. He ran to the back and I winced in pain every time I moved.

"Threepio is going to help us," He assures me before wetting the cloth. "This is going to hurt, but you are strong." I nod and brace myself for the pain. I flinch as the cold cloth comes into contact with skin.

"We'll get through this together, Thea."

[Battle of Geonosis. Age 19]

Obi-Wan was down and Anakin was unconscious. Raising my white lightsaber, I watch the fallen Jedi's movements closely. He raises his hand and throws force lightning at me but I block it. Deciding to try his move against him, I use force lightning and he barely blocks it.

Running forward, I swing my blade and it collides with Dooku's red one. Despite him being older than me and more experienced, I was matching his pace very easily. Using the force, I summon the lightsaber Anakin was using, catching Dooku off guard. I cut his arm slightly.

He uses the force to push me before swinging his lightsaber. I move back but the tip of his red saber grazes my side making me let out a yell of pain. My focus had shifted from the fallen Jedi to the burning sensation on my side. He used that to his advantage and used the force to throw me aside. I smacked my head against the floor and black dots appeared in my vision. My body felt weak and I succumbed to it.


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