Chapter Thirteen: The General

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The firefight got more and more heated. Our numbers were decreasing and I couldn't keep up. Using the force, I help a few clones drag the body of an injured clone to safety. My muscles ache but my anger was what kept me going. Krell wasn't doing anything. He was standing away from any blaster fire and it made my blood boil. He should be fighting.

A hand wrapped around my upper arm and tugged me away from the firefight. The person responsible was Rex. He informed me that we were heading West after Obi-Wan gave us new information. Clipping my lightsaber hilt to my belt, I walk beside Rex as we head West.

"All right, listen up. We'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side." Rex explains.

"The casualties are going to be high." A trooper says and it was true. I couldn't protect them all on my own. I was not that skilled with a lightsaber or the force.

"Is Krell trying to get us killed?" Another questioned and I was wondering the same thing.

"You know, I wasn't sure if Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive." Jesse spoke. Anger is what I was getting from him.

Fives was the next to speak. "We had to retreat from the capital because the General pushed a flawed strategy. Now this?" While some clones agreed with Krell's plan because our time was limited. It was risky.

"No air support? No recon? We don't know what we're up against. They have weapons we've never seen before." Jesse states, hitting his helmet against his head.

"A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless too but they worked." Rex says and I knew he was trying to uplift his brothers' morale but it didn't work.

"Yeah, but the Skywalkers usually lead their men up in the front not bringing up the rear like General Krell. A full forward assault would leave us too exposed." Fives argued in anger.

Letting out a sigh, I walk forward and the clones turn their gazes to me. "Fives is right, Rex. I may be here with you but I can't lead everyone, especially since I'm only just rejoining the war." Rex calls Fives over and I sigh. This was not going to end well.

The plan had been discussed and we were walking through the gorge. My lightsaber wasn't ignited because the white glow would most likely give our position away. But my hand was ready to ignite it at any moment. The ground began to rumble and a moment later something came out from the ground.

It let out a screech before blaster shots were fired from it. Igniting my blade, I use the force to move some troopers out of the line of fire. Bringing my saber to my face, I redirect the shots elsewhere.

Another one emerged from the ground not far from me making me lose my balance. It screeched before crawling its way over to me. Raising my arms, I send a massive force push against it. It turned away and I scrambled to my feet. Two of them exploded leaving me trapped. Clipping my lightsaber to my belt, I channel the force. Throwing my arms out, the debris of the centipede looking machines move. Seeing the men run up a hill, I quickly made my way over.

Rex rushes over to me. "There you are cyar'ika. Are you alright?" He whispers lowly checking to see if I have any visible injuries. I nod before heading over to everyone else.

"Bring up the launchers, spread detonators along that corridor. Trap them into the bottleneck. We're going to blow those things sky high." I ordered. Some troopers run forward and lay down the detonators as I hand the button to Rex. Igniting my white blade, I wave it in the air and yell out. The troopers seemed to understand what I was doing and followed my lead.

We seemed to get their attention as they centipede machines crawled towards us. Moving backwards, I urge the men to move as well. The explosion was huge because it mixed in with the machines also exploding. Rex landed in front of me face first making me let out a chuckle.

He stands and orders the men to move out. We carry on with the intention of taking this base. More attacks commenced making me sigh. This plan was not in our favour. Krell was being reckless and Rex was being a soldier. A blind one. Many clones were being killed and it wasn't good.

While Rex and a few men kept firing, I decided to take things into my own hands. Grabbing Fives and Hardcase, I pull them to the side. "I am entrusting you two with a mission. While we engage the forces here, you both need to infiltrate that base and get control of their starfights to use against their tanks. Do you understand?"

Hardcase was the first to speak, "But-"

"Yes, General Skywalker." Fives says before grabbing Hardcase and pulling him away from the frontal assault. I re-joined Rex and he instantly knew something was up.

"Where is Fives and Hardcase?" He questioned looking around. I ignore his question and move towards my commander. Some clones moved out of my way. "Where are they?" He asked with a raised voice.

"I sent them to the air base while you blindly follow, Krell. We just need to hold this position." I say turning to face the clone captain.

"That wasn't the plan!" Rex says and a few clones share glances despite having helmets over their heads.

"It isn't because my plan is better. It'll allow us to get through enemy territory quicker. We are outnumbered and outgunned and you know it." I argue with frustration. " And if I'm honest Captain, you're starting to look like Krell in my eyes." His shoulders slump before I turn away from him.

Igniting my white blade, I re-join the fight and deflect the incoming blaster bolts. Using the force, I push the men back to protect them. Blaster shots went over my head. I ducked and when the explosion stopped, I glanced up.

"Clear out General! The big guns have arrived, sir!" Fives's voice came through everyone's comms and I smiled. We all ran backwards while Fives and Hardcase destroyed the enemy forces. Using the force, I lift the injured and pull them along with me. Once they were all destroyed, I ordered the men to head towards the air base. We needed to take it so Obi-Wan could do his part.

Once everything was locked down, I headed over to where Fives was. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, I pull him toward me. I rest my forehead against his. "You know he'd be proud of you." Fives smiles.

"Commander Skywalker." Pulling away from Fives, I see Krell approaching. "What is going on here?" He says looking between me and the ARC Trooper. Fives stands at attention with his muscles tense.

"Something that doesn't concern you, Krell." Venom laced my words.

"I am your commanding officer, Skywalker and a Jedi Master, show me some respect." He snarled, bending down to my level.

"My General doesn't give out free respect, Commander." Fives spoke, stepping forward after deciding he had enough. "You need to earn her respect." Krell was about to say something to Fives but I grabbed him and walked away.


Finally updated and I'm glad. I felt so unproductive and now I don't. I have also gotten a new idea to write about the Mandalorian but that won't be published for a long time.

School is stressing me out and I hate it. May be getting after school support as well so that puts any writing on hold. I'm trying to push my grades up so that is my priority.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Leave your thoughts in the comments, I don't mind ideas or suggestions so that in the future I can improve. ↓Idk it was a nice pic on Pinterest. Love you guys <333

 Love you guys <333

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