Chapter Eighteen: Dark Side

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This chapter was heavily inspired by and-the-children-too. Her stories are amazing and I am finally catching up. The plot is amazing and I highly recommend that you all check her out. There are also a few references to Marvel because why not.


Heat was what I felt. The blazing suns of Tatooine shone down on me as I stared at my mothers grave. No one was at the house so I invited myself. My cloak flew as the wind picked up on the desert planet. Flashes of the Tusken Raiders filled my mind as I stared at the grave.

Hearing the hum of a lightsaber, I turn around. Something in me changed and I ignited a not so white lightsaber. It was red, crimson red. A blue one was in my vision and the one wielding it was Anakin. Heart break was evident in his aura and on his face.

"This isn't you, Thea. Put the lightsaber down. You've been manipulated." His voice was not demanding. He was begging. Begging for me to surrender. Anakin Skywalker was begging.

"I have not been manipulated, Ani. The Jedi are liars. They want our power. Why did it take them so long to knight us? It's because they were scared. Scared of what we could do."

My brother shook his head. "You've been misguided. Come back to Coruscant with me and we can figure this out together."

"Stop clinging to The Order Anakin. They are the ones holding you back. Obi-Wan is holding you back!"

"And what of Master Plo, was he holding you back?" His voice cracked slightly. Letting out a small laugh, I notice him grip his lightsaber tighter.

"As a matter of fact, he was holding me back." My tone was mocking and joking. Anakin didn't share the same sense of humour as me.

"So you drove your lightsaber through his chest. You killed the man who practically raised you! Then you had to go and kill your own padawan. A defenceless teenager who thought nothing of your strange behaviour."

"My padawan was collateral damage. Lloyd was nothing but a silly boy who had too much faith in the Jedi. I needed to get rid of him."

My brother was the first to attack. His blue blade flew toward me and I was quick to deflect. Pushing my blade upward slightly, I shove my brother backwards. He stumbles slightly. Sand was an easy way to lose one's footing so this gave me an advantage.

Swinging my crimson blade, he rolled out of the way. I narrowly missed him and it was annoying. Such an easy hit and I missed. Spinning on my heel, I deflected the incoming attack but my brother seemed to have a trick up his sleeve. Hearing the hums of two lightsabers, I sense a familiar Togruta girl behind me. Moving out the way of her blue dual lightsabers, I look at the two.

"You want to do this now. By our mothers grave?"

"She'd be disappointed in who you've become, Thea. Please stop this and come home."

Using his emotion to my advantage, I raised my arm and threw Ahsoka to the side. Rushing forward, my blade and my brothers came into contact once more. His padawan was getting up from the floor and this was the perfect opportunity. Before she could even strike, I used the force to grab one of her lightsabers.

Anakin seemed to understand what I was doing. "No!" But it was too late. The blue lightsaber had already been embedded into her abdomen and the light faded from her eyes. Deactivating the saber, her body falls limp into the sand and Anakin lets his tears fall.

"I truly am sorry, Ani. But if you will not join me then you are my enemy. And I do not let my enemies live." Impaling him with my crimson blade, he lets out a gasp. He grabs my arm tightly as he gazes at me. His once blue eyes are now cold.

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