chapter XXV

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She's so beautiful.

So peaceful, so perfect.

I feel like a creep for watching her sleep like this, but I can't help it, she's gorgeous. Even as the bruises remain on her face, I can't take my eyes off of her.

I hate those fucking bruises.

I can see them healing, as well as the one on her stomach. They look better than they did the night I stole the money. I clench my jaw thinking back to that night. She tried to be tough, I mean hell, she held me as I sobbed in her arms. But I could tell once I was sober enough to actually see what happened to her, she was exhausted... physically and mentally.

I hate seeing her in pain. I wish I could take every ounce of hurt from her body and make it my own.

Even while she lays here, completely relaxed in no physical pain, I see the remnants of that night and it makes my blood boil. I don't understand how someone could hurt such a sweet soul.

But then again, I did.

I hurt her over something she didn't even have control over, something she would get physically hurt for if she didn't do it. I hate myself for the way I cut her off, the things I said to her, how I treated her. And even after all of that, she still cared about me.

I can't wrap my mind around how someone could be as kind as she is. Yeah, she tries to put up this front of being an asshole that doesn't care about anything. I even bought it for a while, but she's so much more than that.

She let me break down in her arms, comforting me, even though I had just got done yelling about how "I didn't need her" a few hours before.

I was the reason she got beat as bad as she did and she never for a second made me feel like It was my fault. I know she made me say it wasn't my fault, but I'm not stupid. I know Barry didn't do half of that until he found out the money was missing.

And even after he did hurt her, she still is thinking about how she needs to be there in case he needs help. I meant it when I said that she had too big of a heart for her own good. I told her before to stop putting everyone before herself, but honestly, I don't think she can.

I feel her start to stir as she nuzzles her face deeper into my chest.

Jesus Christ, she's so adorable.

I watch her slowly begin to wake up, rolling over onto her back and bringing her hands to her eyes to rub them. She does that every time she wakes up.

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