Chapter 1

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" Is it here yet Grandpa!!" She yells running into the kitchen with her toothbrush still in her mouth and toothpaste running down her chin.

" No not yet Alana I'll come and get you if it comes in here before you do now go back and stop worrying your gonna give your self a heart attack" Benjamin says

" Yeah yeah whatever" she tells him while walking back to the bathroom.

Alana finishes brushing her teeth so she decides to go have some cereal. As soon as she walks in an owl flys through the open kitchen window and drops an envelope in front of her. She picks up the envelope and squeals.She runs into the living room and jumps on Benjamin.

" My Hogwarts letter is here!!!!" She yells Jumping up and down.

" Goodness kid ya almost gave me a heart attack, well what are you doing just sitting there open it up" Benjamin said

She tears open the letter and reads it.

" Grandpa when can we go to diagonally?" She asks

" We can go after breakfast if you would like tiger" Benjamin replys

" Yes yes!!! Thank you thank you!!!!" She screams while hugging her grandfather.

" Ok ok now hurry up and stop screaming at this rate I'll need hearing aids before you leave for Hogwarts" Benjamin says

She gives him an apologetic look, then they burst out laughing. She runs back into the kitchen and scarfs down her cereal. After she's done she runs to her room and changed into a pair of blue jeans and a plain black tshirt then puts her black converse on. She runs down stairs and waits for her grandfather by the door.

" Wow I don't think I've ever seen you run that fast in your life kid" he says looking at her in astonishment

" Yeah well I wanna get there already I wanna see it mum told me how wonderful it was" she answers

" Ok ok let's go" he says walking out with Alana following him.

They take a cab to a store by the Leaky Couldron, once they get there Alana holds the door open so her grandfather can walk in since he can't see it. Once inside Benjamin asks the barkeep if they can let them into diagonally.

" Oh are you a muggel" the barkeep asks

" Yeah it's my granddaughters first year at Hogwarts her mum was a witch" Benjamin answers

" Wonderful right this way" the barkeep says as he leads them to the back.

He takes out his wand and taps some bricks and they fall away revealing the beautiful scene that is diagonally. Alana squeals and runs past them looking into the shops.

" Ok where do we need to go first" Benjamin asks her.

" Uhh I think gringgotts " Alana says

" And what's there?" He asks confused

" Money that's where wizards leave their money also muggle borns can exchange their muggle money for wizard money" said a warm voice from behind Alana.

Alana turns around to see a woman almost her grandfathers age with a boy about her age with glasses. He has Black messy hair and is about almost an inch taller then her and he has glasses and blue eyes that match the woman's beside him, the woman has pretty auburn hair that's in a loose bun and she has a kind face that's has a warm smile on it.

" Hi I'm Euphmia Potter but call me Mia" she says sticking her hand out to Benjamin. " And this is my son James" James gives a small wave.

" I'm Benjamin but you can call me Ben and this is my granddaughter Alana" Benjamin says shaking hands with Mia

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