Chapter 19

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' Dear Mum,

Sirius and his little brother are here now, they were so completely involved with the ideas of their rooms they forgot to introduce me, it's fine though. They were wondering if you could come over to cast a spell on their walls so it's alive like mine. come soon if you do, do you mind bringing a couple book, Sirius brother seems like the type to like books, i know Uncle Ben has books but maybe he would want some of his own.

                                                                                                    Sincerely your son

                                                                                                                 James F. Potter'

James finished the letter rolled it up because ' that was easier'.

" Take this to mum Jay, there should be treats there for you too" James said as he handed the letter to his owl companion, Jay took the letter with one of his clawed feet and took off to potter manor.

James just turned around when Regulus entered the kitchen, you'd swear Regulus was made of gold at the way James looked at him, James couldn't speak. It's like the air had a chokehold on him, he had a plan in his head, he was goanna march into that Living room and introduce himself to his friend's little brother, but when regulus walked through that kitchen door it's like his head went blank. James didn't understand these feelings as the only person who made him feel like that was on the other side of London getting her long red hair combed by her mother who shared her dark emerald, green eyes. There are so many differences between them that James couldn't even understand how he could feel this for complete opposites. Lily had dark but bright red hair with freckles littering her face, rosy cheeks that made her green eyes pop, but regulus, regulus had black ear length hair, Stormy grey eyes, and a tint of pink in his cheeks. Lily is girl ........ but Regulus is a boy.

James's head ' guys are only supposed to like girls right, but even if i did what about Sirius, oh no Sirius what about him, Sirius is my best friend, so Ima just put this feeling in a box now labeled regulus in the back of mind, and never open it, that's a good idea right, right '

Regulus just finished getting a cup when he saw Sirius and Alana's friend whom they called James staring at him and moving his head side to side. regulus looked beside him both ways to see if James was looking at something else, but he wasn't, he just kept staring so regulus cleared his throat, nothing, so he did it again. this time it seemed to work though.

" Oh, sorry didn't mean to freak you out there, I'm James potter" James said raising his hand for regulus to take, and he did take it saying

" I'm regulus black pleasure to meet your acquaintance"  

" Oh, uh yeah nice to meet you aquintents too" James said 

Regulus looked at him as if he had three heads. now they are just standing there awkwardly.... Regulus is looking at the floor and James is looking at anything but Regulus.

" I'm just going to get some water then" Regulus said awkwardly 

regulus shuffled over to the sink. James contemplates in his head for a few moments before turning and asking regulus loudly a question.

" Hey!" regulus jumped, " oh sorry, anyways do you like to read books?" James asked sheepishly now afraid to be too loud again.

Regulus just blinks at him for a couple of seconds before finally answering.

" Uhm yes, I do like to read books, may I ask why you are asking me this?" Regulus asks 

" Oh, it's cause I asked mum to bring some books along with her for you, I figured you wanted something of your own that wasn't given to you by your parents, you know Lana has books not as many as I do so I......." Whatever James was saying Regulus couldn't hear, he was frozen still. Then it's as if his body was moving on its own, he ran towards James and wrapped his arms around him, buried his head in James' chest and started to cry silently. James was stunned, he didn't know what to do, so he did what his mum would do, he hugged him back. they stood there for a couple of seconds before regulus realized what he was doing, he gasped and let go of James and ran to his room, leaving a shocked James behind wondering what he did wrong, did regulus decide not to be his friend? he just stood there confused rethinking everything, before shaking his head of all that on his way to the living room. 

Green Flames erupted in the fireplace and Euphemia potter walked through them along with her wand a plate of cupcakes and a stack of books. James smiled at his mum, Ben, Alana and Sirius got up to greet her just as regulus came back in looking like nothing happened.

" So! where is the new addition to our little troop" Mia exclaimed.

Regulus stepped forward sheepishly behind Sirius.

" This is Regulus Mia" Sirius said Moving so she can see Regulus better. 

Mia smiled at him warmly and slowly offered out her hand. Regulus looked at Sirius who nodded his head, so he took Mia's hand light shaking it as she talked.

" I'm Euphemia Potter but you can just call me Mia, I'm James' mum. James said to bring some books for you, so I did here you go" she said as she handed them to him. " Now if you want more after those, we can get you more, now I'm here to talk about your room, what kind of scene were you thinking of" Mia rambled on.

 " Oh, uhm can I get the night sky on my ceiling" Regulus asked shyly.

" I want a Lion!" Sirius yelled

Mia laughed saying, " Yes you both may have the rooms you want".

And for the rest of the day, they decorated the boy's room, Mia made dinner before her, and James went home. 

All the kids in the Hayes house went to their rooms and not long after came Grandpa ben came round telling each one goodnight and kissing two on the head, the other he patted his head, before he too went to bed.

Regulus looked around his new room, for the first time he had his room the way he wanted it, it was HIS room. He smiled smally before laying down to go to bed. Regulus finally felt a flicker of belonging, of home. And that flicker right there is just the beginning for him 20 years from now he will look back and say this is the first night of his life, his beginning. It's just the beginning for all of them, the beginning to their happy ending. 

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