Chapter 6

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A/n- so I know it's kinda sad but if I were you I would listen to Brother by kodaline while you are reading this,if you don't know what it is it's up above. Happy reading and a big sorry ahead.

It's almost Christmas and the grounds are covered with snow, there has been snowball fights, building snowmen and pranks that involve snow.

All the marauders could tell Sirius didn't want to go home, but they all also knew they could do nothing about it because they were just kids. So till  then they tried to make the most of it before they leave. Which brings us to what they are doing right now.

Alana had the bright idea to try and teach the boys how to ice skate, Remus tried telling her it would go down hill quickly but she waved him off.

" Alana are you sure we won't go through the ice" Sirius asked concerned.

" I promise unless you weight a thousand pounds, on second thought you shouldn't get on the ice Sirius your like an elephant" she said with a teasing smile.

" Oh why you little" he said going after her not even realizing he's on the ice chasing after her until he falls.

Everyone laughs, Sirius tries to get up but he just falls again.

" Lana help me" Sirius whined

" Alright alright I'm coming hold your hippogriffs" Alana said skating to him and helping him up. " Ok hold on to me and we'll go slow, now it's kinda like walking but don't slam your foot down put it down gently and slide it back" Sirius does as he is told." Good now do the same with your other foot.... Good now just keep doing it, there you go your getting it"

" I'm doing it, guys look I'm doing it!!" Sirius yelled with a huge smile

" We can see mate, good for you!" James yelled back

" Whoo-hoo go Sirius!!" Peter clapped

" Good job Sirius!" Remus said helping Peter  on the ice.

" Ok Sirius I'm going to go a little faster ok" Alana told him

" Ok" he said " just don't let me go I don't wanna fall"

" Never Siri, now ready" she asked, he nodded" ok here we go"

Alana and Sirius went fast around the black lake.

" Ok I'm going to let you go Sirius!" Alana yelled

Panic filled on Sirius' face " no!! Don't let me go"

" You'll be fine Sirius I'll be right here ok, ready" she said

Sirius shook his head no, he then took a deep breath and shook his head yes. Alana let go of him slowly before letting him go completely.

" Look your doing it Sirius" Alana smiled

" Ha I'm doing it whoo-hoo I'm doing it!!" Sirius yelled

Alana and him laughed doing circles around each other. Remus finished teaching Peter while Alana and Sirius started teaching James. James caught on quickly and next thing you know all the marauders were skating and having fun.

All was well until the unthinkable happened. One minute Sirius and Alana were spinning each other around and the next they were in the water. They tried getting out but it was no use.

" Help!!" They yelled

" Alana!! Sirius!!" The other three yelled

The other three starting going over to them before they heard the ice crack and they stopped.

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