Chapter 7

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A/N- I'm sorry for yesterdays chapter I had to and I felt bad after posting it. So enjoy this one.

Alana felt something  holding her hand, it was warm, Alana tried to open her eyes but she couldn't, she started to hear voices and tried again but she failed once again.

" What if I didn't make it in time Rem?" Said a worried filled voice that she recognized as James'

" You heard Madame Pomfry James you made it in time they are fine they just need to wake up" Remus' voice answers and when he's done talking Alana remembered everything that had happened.

Alana tried to open her eyes and this time she was successful. She needed to see if Sirius was alright because the last she saw of him was him passed out reaching for her, she also need to reassure her bestfrie- no brother that she was fine, she needed to reassure her brother James she was ok.

" Alana! Look she's awake guys!" Yelled Peter who was at the end of her bed looking at her and Sirius.

Alana turned to see who was holding her hand and it was Remus, James was sitting next to him closer to Sirius' bed. She looked passed the two to see a still unconscious Sirius.

" How's Sirius ? Is he ok? How'd we get out?!" She said quickly, which she regretted because now her throat hurts like nails are dragging down it.

Remus handed her water knowing she needed it. " Sirius is fine he just needs to wake up and you are fine to, James went after you two and when he came back up you both were unconscious"  he answered her.

" I went and got a professor while Remus and James carried you and Sirius" Peter said

Alana looked over to James who refused to look her in the eye.

" I almost didn't get you two in time" he whispered, " after me and Remus brought you and Sirius up to the castle Dumbledore checked you two over and said you guys were alive but just barely" he said looking up at her, Alana saw tears streaming down his face. " I almost didn't get to you guys in time....... Don't ever do that again Alana I don't know what I would do if I lost you" James said launching in to her arms and sobbing.

" Hey.. hey... Its alright James you made it in time and I'm grateful for that, I owe you my life now" Alana whispered to him.

" Alana just please don't ever leave me...... Promise me" James said pulling back at looking into her eyes.

" I promise James, till the day I die and beyond that" she said.

" Bestfriends?" He asked

Alana gave him a small smile before saying " No.......... family, your my brother James forever and always" She held out her pinky for making a pinky promise, she had taught him that during the summer.

" Forever and Always" James replys linking his pinky with hers.

" Ugh what's all that racket I'm trying to sleep" said a sleepy Sirius

James smiled like he won the lottery and flew on top of Sirius.

" Sirius your alive!" Peter yelled following James' lead

Remus and Alana looked at each other amused.

" Yes well I won't be alive much longer if you lot don't get off me" Sirius grumbled from under the two boys.

Peter got off giving him an apologetic smile. James however didn't and just looked up to Sirius.

" No I think I'll just stay here I'm comfortable" James said

Alana chuckled and Sirius rolled his eyes before pushing James off.

" Oi!! I save your life and this is the thanks I get, I feel violated!" James exclaims being the drama queen he is.

Sirius made a serious face (😉) and said " yeah well thanks mate" with a smile.

James smiled back " your welcome just try not to do it again"

" I promise I won't" Sirius answered.

" Wait how long were we unconscious?" Alana asked.

" Two days we were worried so we stood here the whole time, I think Madame Pomfry felt bad for us so she let us stay even brought us food" Peter answers.

" You stayed here for two days for us" Sirius asked

" Yeah well of course we did you two would do the same for us" James said

" Also many people came to visit you two, it seems you guys are popular" says Remus

" Really did they bring us anything?" Asked Sirius

" Yeah but Rem ate all the chocolate and Pete ate all Berti Botts beans" James said pointing at a red Remus and Peter.

Remus cleared his throat. " Yeah well don't forget who ate all their liquorice wands and treacle tart" he said raising his eyebrows at James.

" You guys are idiots" Alana said while Sirius gave the group an amused glance.

" Oh really says the girl wh-" James didn't get finish because Madame Pomfry decided to make an appearance.

She shooed the three boys out of the hospital wing telling them to come back later before checking over Alana then Sirius.

Madame Pomfry left and the two were alone. Neither knew what to say, 'I mean what do you say to someone who almost died with you' they both said in their heads.

Alana cleared her throat and looked over to Sirius who looked at her.

" I'm so sorry Sirius" she said

Sirius looked at her like she had three heads, " why are you sorry"

" Because it's my fault I shouldn't have suggested ice skating or none of this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be her-" Alana couldn't finish because Sirius interrupted her.

" Hey hey it's not your fault you wouldn't have know this would happen besides I had fun up till then and even then you tried your best to save me, I mean you got the gryndilows off me before you got them off yourself, you did nothing wrong Alana you were just trying to have fun" he said looking at her as tears streamed down her face.

" Really" she asked

Sirius got up and walked over to her bed, she got up and he enveloped her in a hug.

" Yes, thank you Alana...... We might have almost died but I still had the most fun I've had before Christmas in years" he said " besides I have a story to tell the ladies now" at that Alana chuckled.

Sirius let her go and she wiped her tears. They both sat on her bed facing each other. Alana looked at her bedside table and beside her water was cards for exploding snap.

She picked them up and said " do you wanna play?"

" Yes but you should know I will win" Sirius answered smirking.

" Oh not if I can help it" Alana replys smiling.

So for the rest of the afternoon the two played exploding snap and when the other three marauders came they joined to. The skating incident in the past and in it's place the usual joking, laughing, and planning of future pranks.

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