15. Saving people, Hunting things

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I let out a sigh as I looked at the heartless walker lying on the ground before me.

"Dean, that's fresh blood." I spoke, watching Dean look up at me with concerned eyes.

"We gotta find Rick and Daryl." Dean read my mind as we both sprinted through the woods.

We slowed down to just a walk as we saw Daryl and Rick gutting a walker just up ahead. Dean pulled his out his gun from the waistband of his jeans. He checked to see if it was loaded and let out an excited "yes" as he saw silver bullets inside.

"Y'all find anything?" Daryl asked as he looked up to see both of us approaching them.

Before any of us could speak, all four of our heads snapped towards the sound of a branch snapping. All of our weapons and guns were pointed at the two figures walking towards us. Two large men covered in blood stalked our way. The first thing I took notice of were the claws.

"Look at that, fresh meat!" The first one grinned, showing a set of sharp teeth.

"What the hell?" Rick questioned, aiming his gun at the man. I quickly reached over and signaled for him to hold his fire.

"Dean and Abby Winchester? Is that really you?" The second man spoke as he came to stand in front of Dean.

"Damn right it's us. Now you wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Dean asked them, pointing his gun at the werewolf in front of him. I drew my angel blade, being prepared to at least slow them down.

"Maybe we should do it the fun way!" The werewolf grinned before pouncing towards Dean, instantly receiving a silver bullet to the heart.

The other werewolf darted towards me. I quickly dodged his attack before stabbing him through the stomach with my angel blade. The werewolf let out a hiss and I pulled my blade out. I jumped out of the way as I heard Dean yell my name. He quickly fired his gun and the werewolf dropped dead.

The air was filled with silence as me and Dean shared a look of concern for Rick and Daryl, who had just witnessed the encounter.

"You're not really FBI, are you?" Rick spoke up, staring down at the two dead werewolves.

"No, we're not." Dean spoke warily, unsure of how to go about this.

"We're hunters. And these two were werewolves. Obviously." I told the two men who were still staring at the bodies.

"Werewolves? That's a real thing?" Daryl spoke up, unsure of everything currently going on.

"Yeah. They're real. Just like ghosts, vampires, angels, demons, you think of your worst nightmare and it's probably real. And we hunt them down and kill them. Or we used to." I explained, watching as all three men's eyes widened dramatically. Dean was giving me a look that said 'really.' As if I could have been more subtle about it.

"All of this is real? You know you sound nuts right now, right?" Rick spoke, eyeing me and Dean as if we were total psychos.

"You didn't just see that? Those teeth? Those claws? The hundreds of walkers we've came across? After all that, you gotta believe that anything can be out there." Dean tried to reason with the men.

I let out a sigh of relief as both Daryl and Rick nodded their heads in agreement. Rick still looked rather startled by the thought of those monsters being a real thing. Daryl seemed to be more in check with reality. Understanding that he had now seen both zombies and werewolves, anything could really be out there at this point.

"This has to stay between us, okay?" I looked around at the three men as I spoke. "Sam and Cas know everything about these supernatural creatures, too. So if you ever have questions you can come to any of us. But the rest of the group cannot know."

"What if we run into one of these crazy suckers again?" Daryl asked, concern showing on his face.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. When we get more time away from the group, we'll teach you everything we know. In case we run into other monsters, you two will be prepared." Dean nodded at the two men.

"Alright. We need to make it happen soon. The sooner we know these things, the safer we are." Rick nodded to me and Dean before turning and heading towards the highway. Daryl quickly shot two arrows into both of the dead werewolves heads, preventing them from possibly turning. He grabbed his arrows and began following Rick.

"So y'all just drive around the country, looking for scary shit?" Daryl asked me as we walked through the woods together.

"Pretty much." I chuckled at how crazy we sounded.

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"To save people. If we don't do it, who else will? There's not very many out there who know about this stuff. If we don't stop it, people will just keep dying." I shrugged my shoulders as I answered. Daryl just nodded as the four of us came to the highway.

After declaring that the search party wouldn't resume until morning, Rick had called Daryl, Dean, Sam, Cas, and myself into the RV for a meeting. We spent the next few hours in there going over various types of monsters and how to kill them.

Once the lesson was over, all of the boys left the RV to settle in their vehicles and get sleep. However, Daryl stayed back to talk with me.

"When did you get into all this monster stuff?" Daryl asked. Throughout all of the supernatural events and conversations that have occurred this evening, Daryl stayed relatively calm in all of it.

"Uh, since I was a kid. I'm their half sister. So when my mom was killed by a dirty bloodsucker, my dad showed up to save me. He took me on the road with Sam and Dean when I was 4. I learned more and more about it as I grew up. I went on my first hunt when I was 13."

Daryl just raised his eyebrows in surprise. There was an extremely smile small on his face.

"What?" I asked him, amused by the look on his face.

"You're a badass." Daryl actually smirked at me, sending a weird feeling throughout my body.

"Yeah? Well you're not too bad yourself." I sent him a flirty smile, one I had easily inherited from my oldest brother. My smile turned to a full grin as I watched Daryl's cheeks turn pink. He couldn't quite come up with a reply as he was clearly a little flustered.

"I'm gonna go hit the hay. I'm sure we can expect an early morning. Night, Daryl." I smiled at the redneck before heading out of the RV and crawling into the impala and getting a good nights sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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