9. The CDC

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We came to a stop on the road. Dale needed a new radiator hose for the RV. Some of the boys went to search for one. The bite doesn't seem to bother Cas, but Jim is a different story. Jim begs to be left behind. Rick and Shane sat him by a tree and we all said our goodbyes to him before getting back on the road.

We finally arrived at the CDC. We all got out of our vehicles and grabbed our weapons.

"Alright, everybody. Keep moving. Go on. Stay quiet. Let's go. Okay, keep moving. Stay together." Shane instructed.

We reach the door and Shane starts pounding on it, trying to get someone's attention.

"Guys!" I yelled as I noticed a large group of walkers approaching us.

We had nowhere left to go as we started fighting off walkers. The guys got into a huge argument about what we were going to do and where to go.

"I know you're in there. I know you can here me." Rick pleaded into the camera on the building. "Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left."

"Rick. There's nobody here." Lori said to him.

"We have no where else to go." Rick said as he banged on the door. "If you don't let us in, you're killing us!"

"Come on, buddy, let's go. Let's go." Shane said, trying to pull him away.

"Please help us. You're killing us! You're killing us! You're killing us!" Rick yelled.

We were getting ready to give up and leave, but the door to the CDC opened. We quickly run into the lobby and shut the doors behind us. I turn around to see a man standing there with a shot gun pointed at us.

"Anybody infected?" The man asked.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick explained.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" He asks, looking at all of us.

"A chance." Sam speaks up, using his infamous puppy dog eyes.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." He said.

"I know. But c'mon, you can't just leave us out there with nothing." Dean said.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." The man said.

"We can do that." Rick said, nodding his head.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." He told us.

We all nodded and ran back out to our vehicles to grab our bags. We got all of our stuff out of baby and I noticed Dean tense up as we got ready to head back inside.

"What is it?" I asked him, concern showing on my face. Everybody else had made it back inside, except for Dean, Shane, Daryl, and I.

"I have to leave her." He said with a sad look on his face as he put his hands on the hood of the car. Even in the middle of an apocalypse, Dean kept his car looking clean and spotless.

"Dean, she'll be right here. You know that. It's not necessarily leaving her behind when she's still here." I answered, trying to pull him back inside.

Dean just let out a sigh and got ready to reply to me, but Shane beat him to it.

"It's just a car man. Let it go." Shane said in an irritated voice. Shane had just lost his mind.

Dean was quick so spin around and bring his fist back, probably getting ready to knock Shane out. I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him from punching Shane. I didn't really like Shane, so I would have been fine with Dean kicking his ass, but we had to get in that CDC. I didn't need Dean getting us kicked out for fighting.

"Why don't you just shut up, mind your own business, and go back inside?" Daryl yelled at Shane as he pushed him back. Shane just scoffed and went back inside.

"Thanks, Daryl." I said, giving him a grateful smile. He just nodded his head and turned to leave.

"C'mon guys! What are you doing?" Glenn yelled to us.

"We're comin!" Daryl yelled.

We all piled into the elevator, all of us standing right against each other. I was squished in between Sam and Dean, standing behind the man who let us in. I was standing in front of Daryl, my back pressed up against his chest.

"Rick Grimes." Rick introduced himself to the man.

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." He answered.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asked him from behind me.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." He said to us before turning to Carl. "Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you."

Carl just returned the smile and Jenner chuckled before we all headed out of the elevator.

"Vi, bring up the lights in the room." Jenner ordered as we entered a large room.

"Welcome to zone 5." He said as the lights came on.

"Where is everybody? The doctors, the staff?" Rick asked him.

"I'm it. It's just me here." Jenner answered.

"What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Lori asked.

"Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them welcome." Jenner ordered.

"Hello, guests. Welcome." The computer said.

"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner said to us.

We all head over to the lab for Jenner to take our blood. He quickly takes all of our blood, but I'm the last one left.

"So what's the point in this? If we're infected, we're just gonna be running a fever, right?" I asked him as he took my blood.

"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. At least let me be thorough." Jenner answered. "All done." He said as he pulled the needle out of my arm.

I stood up from my seat and my vision immediately started going black. I felt my knees starting to give out but before I could hit the ground, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist holding me up.

The black spots clouding my vision fades away and I stood up on my own. I looked over my shoulder to see that it was Daryl holding me up.

"Thanks." I mumbled. He just nodded his head and slowly released his grip on me, but keeping an arm around my waist in case I passed out.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked me.


"She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have." Sam explained.

Jenner nodded his head and led us all to the dining room to eat.

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