1. The Apocalypse

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Sam, Dean, Cas, and I were currently camped out in a motel room. Dean and Cas were discussing Cas's stolen grace, Sam was searching for a new case, and I was watching tv.

We had just taken a pretty easy vamp case in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a bunch of young vampires. They were way too sloppy and too stupid. We ended up finding their nest in no time, taking them out just as quickly.

I was flipping through the channels when I landed on the local news channel. My eyes nearly popping out of my head as I read the words apocalypse on the tv screen. They were live, showing what looked like zombies running through the streets of Atlanta.

"Uh, guys." I said, getting all of their attention. They all held annoyed expressions on their faces, which quickly changed once they saw what was on the tv screen. I had been pestering them just a few minutes ago, being bored out of mind.

"An apocalypse? Lucifer is still in the cage, right?" Sam said, looking over at Cas.

"Yes. He has to be." Cas answered, flatly.

"It's a virus." I said to them, my eyes still glued to the tv. The lady on the screen had already explained this but of course, the boys weren't listening.

"A virus? At least we know we didn't start it this time." Dean said, laughing slightly. He was clearing trying to lighten up the mood, earning a classic bitch face from Sam.

"Another apocalypse? C'mon, I mean, this has to be some kinda joke, right?" I said, getting up and heading towards the window.

"Gabriel?" Sam suggested.

"You know when the last time was that we heard from him?" Dean said.

I made my way to the window and peaked through the curtains. I just stood there speechless as I noticed all of the dead people walking the streets.

There were a few already standing in the motel parking lot. Some had started to make their way over here. I could see people across the street running for their lives.

I heard someone walk up behind me and look out the window. I could tell it was Dean just by his scent.

"Son of a bitch! They're too close to baby!" He yelled. Of course, baby would be his first concern in another apocalypse.

I just shared a look with Sam and he shook his head before turning his attention back to the situation we were in.

"We can't stay here. We don't even have any food."

"Alright, we stopped one apocalypse before, I'm sure we can stop another one, right?" Dean asked us, a hopeful look on his face.

"I don't think this is one that we can stop. I mean, you seen how many of those things were just here in Atlanta. That's only one city out of the whole state. Just imagine how many are in the rest of the country, or the whole world." I explained to him.

"Abby's right, Dean. This isn't something that we can stop. We just have to survive it." Cas agreed with me.

Dean was silent for a few seconds before he nodded his head. "Okay. Let's pack up and hit the road."

We all packed all of our clothes in our duffle bags and went to the door. Dean pulled his gun out but I quickly stopped him.

"Wait! Don't you think maybe they'll be attracted to noise? I mean a gunshot is pretty loud..."

"She's right. We still have our machetes in here with us. We can just use them." Sam said.

We all pulled out our machetes and quietly opened the door. There was about ten walkers in the motel parking lot. Three of them hovering around Dean's car.

We all started slicing heads off, I quickly noticed that it was still alive and moving even with its head off. I quickly stabbed it in the head and went to the next monster. I sliced higher up, right where it's brain was. I smiled as it dropped dead.

Once we finished killing them all, we hopped in the impala and Dean was quick to speed out of the parking lot.

"We should get out of the city. Maybe where there's less people, there'll be less of these things around." Sam suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, Sammy." Dean said, just before slamming his foot down on the gas petal and taking off out of the city.

Another Apocalypse? // Daryl Dixon Where stories live. Discover now