2. Who are you?

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It had been a month since the apocalypse had started. We were camped out on the outskirts of Atlanta. It was still just the four of us. We took shifts sleeping throughout the night. One of us would sleep in the front seat of the impala while two of us would sleep in the back. We lived in baby at this point.

"Hey guys, we're starting to run low on food and stuff, I think we should make a run into town. See what we can get." I suggested.

Sam quickly nodded his head agreeing with me.

"Alright, well we can just load everything up in the car. All four of us can go. It'll be easier that way." Dean said.

We loaded everything up in the car and headed out. We pulled up to the back of the store and headed in. Cas decided to wait out by the car, just in case somebody decided to steal it or any of our stuff in it.

We silently made our way inside of the store. I quickly noticed that all of the canned food was already taken off of the shelves. I just let out a sigh before turning around, coming face to face with a gun.

"Who are you?" A woman with blonde hair asked me.

"Who are you?" I asked back.

"Hey, hey. Look we don't mean any trouble. We were just looking for food is all." Sam tried to reason with the woman.

Dean wasn't having any of it as he quickly cocked his gun and point it at the woman. Sam just shot him a worried look.

"Just put the gun down, and we'll leave. Not like anything's here anyways." Dean said with an icy stare.

She slowly lowered the gun, followed by Dean, as we heard more footsteps coming down the stairs.

A woman and four men came down the stairs. A sheriff came down the stairs first and looked at us curiously before turning to the blonde girl.

"Who are they?" He asked, with a thick southern accent.

"I don't know. They just showed up." She answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"My name is Rick Grimes. This is Andrea, Morales, T Dog, Jacqui, and Glenn." He said kindly.

"Abby Winchester. These are my brothers, Sam and Dean." Just as I said that, Cas came walking through the door.

Andrea quickly pointed her gun at him.

"This is Cas, our friend." Sam quickly said.

Andrea lowered her gun and nodded her head.

"Is it just the four of you?" Rick asked us.

We all nodded our heads in reply.

"We got a camp. It's pretty safe. No walkers around. There's a lot of us there. If you guys wanna join, the more the better." T Dog said.

"No." Dean said, flatly. I just shot him a glare before turning back around.

"Do you mind if we talk for a second?" I asked him. They all turned and headed back up the stairs.

"What do you mean no? Dean, it could be safer that way. More people to watch our backs. Maybe even more food to eat. Dean..." I tried to reason with him but he cut me off.

"Abby, we've been doing just fine on our own. We're better off that way." Dean said, sternly.

"Oh yeah, Dean. We're doing real fine." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes." He said, voice full of irritation.

"Dean, c'mon. Really think about it. It can't possibly be worse than the situation we're in now." I pleaded with him.

Dean just sighed and looked over at Sam and Cas, who were both nodding their heads in agreement with me.


Rick and Glenn had set up a plan to go and steal a van to get the rest of the people out of the store. Walkers were everywhere, trying to get into the front of the store. We were loading supplies up into the car while the others were keeping a look out for Rick and Glenn.

Once they arrived, we all quickly got into our vehicles and sped off.

Another Apocalypse? // Daryl Dixon Where stories live. Discover now