out of the loop

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Evelyn had been scribbling furiously on the piece of paper on the table, tucking her bottom lip into her mouth as she looked over her brother's homework. Enrique was never one for academics and she knew that so Evelyn being the good sister she was, did his math homework for him, and sometimes she couldn't believe how blatantly wrong the answers to his work were.

Enrique stared across the table and placed his chin in the palm of his hand, letting out a dramatic yawn. "Evie, Evie, Evie...Evelyn, Evelyn, Eve—"

"What the hell do you want?" she asked, looking up from his work. "I'm trying to do your homework!"

"And I've been trying to speak to you for the last hour," he whined, throwing his hands up in the air. "How could you not tell me what happened at the hospital? I had to hear from Spencer that Jordan was married!"

Evelyn picked up her pencil and threw it at his forehead making him jerk his head back at her sudden actions. "Maybe because I didn't feel like their marriage was worth gossiping about?"

Enrique eyed his sister suspiciously, her cheeks flushed as she spoke, and she had been heavily avoiding eye contact. "Oh, don't tell me you still have feelings for Jordan? You're not...you're not like, bothered about this, right? Damn it, Evelyn, I knew you'd be the one to fuck up the relationship with Ash!"

"Ricky! How could you say that?" she scoffed. "I'm not...bothered or anything like that."

"Sounds a little sus to me," he cleared his throat and looked around at his surroundings in the library, trying his best to avoid his sister who looked like she wanted to murder him. "I won't tell Asher if you have feelings for Jordan. Pinky swear, dude."

"Look, I am in love with Asher and I have no feelings whatsoever for Jordan," she admitted, honestly. "And, I guess it's just a little weird to me, okay? Plus, the way Simone just blurted it out at the hospital was pretty fucking awkward. But, no way in hell, do I have feelings for Jordan's dumbass."

"Do you think Jordan knows what like a promise ring is? Or even telling a girl how he feels?" Enrique wondered, tapping his finger against his chin. "I mean, first he was like, hell yeah, I'll be the dad to Simone's baby. Now, he's her husband. I don't know what being in love is like but no way in hell would I ever marry my high school girlfriend."

"You're talking about the same guy who said I love you to me after like, 2 months of dating," Evelyn shrugged. "That boy does not know how to just live in the moment."

"You think if Asher asked you to marry him you'd say yes?" Enrique asked.

Evelyn widened her eyes at her brother. "Um...no, I wouldn't. One, I love him but we're in high school. And two, we've never even had a conversation about our future. God, this topic is giving me hives." She shuddered dramatically pushing the sheets of his math homework in front of his face. "I gotta get to class. See you later."

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