faux influencers

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The smell of sea salt wafted through Evelyn's nose. The sun was shining and the birds were out, flying around the sky. She was lying on a beach towel, latching onto Asher, who was practically smothering her with his body. It seemed like a dream, peaceful, and beautiful.

But she couldn't ignore the aching feeling in her head. Or the heavy body on top of her. Asher didn't look like he weighed much but compared to his tiny girlfriend he definitely had some pounds on her.

"Aw, come on, what?" Asher shot up from his spot, accidentally hitting his girlfriend in the process. He discovered bird poop on his shoulder, rolling off of Evelyn and falling flat on his back.

"Oh, that's good luck, bro," JJ pointed out. "I used to run under birds, hoping to get hit. Never did."

"I'll keep my fingers crossed for you," Asher said.

From beside Spencer, Jordan stirred awake, sitting up and coughing erratically. "Oh. What-what happened?"

"Why do we keep falling asleep out here?" Evelyn groaned. "We have a nice ass beach house and still end up right here."

"Who cares?" JJ grinned. "JJ's beach house is the place to be this summer. Look my insta's blowing up." His eyes darted to the brunette beside Asher. "Such a shame Ricky keeps ditching us."

"Well, you know, how he is," Evelyn shrugged, averting her eyes from them. "Spending his time with a bunch of random girls and all of that."

"Guys, my head is blowing up, so let's..." Jordan motioned for them to lower their voices.

"Hey. We gotta stop mixing this stuff with our liquor," Spencer shook the energy drink in his hand.

"No way, it's the only energy drink with the charge of an angry hippo and they follow me, so..."

"They follow me, too," Evelyn spoke up. "Turns out volleyball does have its perks."

"And so does waking up on the beach," Jordan said as his eyes never left a girl walking on the sand. "Mmm! Man. Good mor—" the girl on the beach turned to face them, causing his face to drop. "Liv? Ahem. No. Not a word. Not a word."

"Mmm, you really are white, aren't you?" Evelyn grimaced. "Sweet Homeeee Alabama!"

"Shut up, Evelyn!"


Spending the entire summer in a beach house with Asher, JJ, Spencer, and Jordan wasn't necessarily how Evelyn envisioned her summer going. But, with volleyball training not starting until a couple of months later, and mixing in the fact that Asher wanted to spend as much time as he could with her when he wasn't working.

The only logical plan was for her to stay at JJ's beach house as well. The boys didn't mind either, mainly because they knew even if she didn't stay there she would be spending time with them because of Asher. But, also because she didn't need to be with them 24/7, choosing to stay in the room she and Asher were sleeping in when she knew they wanted to just hang out with the boys. Or whether she was working out on the beach and letting them do their own thing, or even hanging out with Layla at her studio since Liv was at journalism camp.

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