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"N/n don't panic alright ?" Said Emma as she held Y/n's shoulders, slightly shaking her to make sure she cooperates.

"Okay, I won't." 

"You make it seem so simple" Mumbled Chifuyu under his breath, avoiding to look at Emma's glare."You remember your first surgery on Draken right ?"

"Yeah I do." 

"Didn't something weird happen before it ?"

"Weird ? I do remember fighting with the higher ups about doing this surgery, and I insisted on being the one to do it, is this what you label as weird ?"

"Yes, and that's why we've been protecting you ever since then."

"Protecting me ? elaborate please." Inquired Y/n, wanting to know more about this so called protection.

"N/n, if we didn't tell you this any sooner, it was because we didn't want to take any step that could endanger your life. Mikey wanted to tell you the same day, but Draken said we should supervise you from afar until we got enough informations." Explained Emma. 

"The same higher up that wanted to do the surgery was bribed, his main goal was to kill Draken since he survived during that attack. But you prevented that by insisting, and before any of us could act, you were already in the surgery room. By saving Draken, you made all of Toman grateful towards you." Added Baji.

"By saving Draken, you earned yourself not only allies, but also enemies that would like to take revenge. Baji had a negotiation with the higher up, that's why you have few days off, until we figure out who wants Draken's death, and also threatens your life." Said Chifuyu. " We'll protect you N/n, but you have to trust us, do you ?"

"Yes I do." 

"I dispatched men around the house, they'll notify us if something feels fishy. I can't take you home N/n, but you can stay here, we'll make sure you feel safe." announced Mikey as he got up and headed upstairs.

Y/n couldn't utter a single word, the entire truth hit her like a truck. She felt a handful of emotions she couldn't distinguish, she didn't differentiate left from right. All what she did was saving someone's life and there she was, involved with a gang, threatened to get killed anytime soon. 

Little by little, they left her alone to process the whole truth as she requested to and she went to the balcony to breath some fresh air. If someone told you that you were about to die soon, you'd probably wouldn't be able to accept it, no matter what happens. And that's exactly what Y/n feels right now. 

It was cold and yet, she felt nothing, she couldn't think straight from how much her life turned upside down. 

'Don't panic huh ?' How could she not panic, how could she not, after she learned that someone was after her because she did her job. 

Tears escaped from her eyes, and a few minutes later, she was a sobbing mess. Her moto in life was to save everyone, as cliché as it may sound. But surprisingly, she regrets believing in it until now. What if she neglected her work and didn't insist ? She'd probably still be in the hospital, ignoring the truth and hanging onto her principles. 

She felt something warm around her shoulders, something that made her regain her consciousness again. She got so lost in her thoughts that her pessimistic side got over her. 

She turned around and met Baji again. Somehow, he was always there when she needed some company, he appeared out of nowhere. He put a plaid around her shoulder and sat silently next to her. 

"You're gonna catch a cold if you stay outside for a long time."He said, avoiding to look at her teary face. 

"Mh." She wanted to say something but she couldn't, her raspy voice would make her look like an old man.

"Do you want to head inside ? I'll make you lunch." 

As much as she felt nauseous, she didn't want to decline his offer because he sounded so kind when he didn't tease her, so she accepted. They sat alone in the kitchen, baji closed the door to give her more freedom to express her self easily. 

"Sometimes when you feel down, you don't think rationally. You'd blame anyone and anything to put your mind at ease. I was simply passing by and I saw how much you tried to suppress your cries and I thought that maybe you were blaming yourself for everything that happened. That's why I judged it would be better to free you from that prison of thoughts." 

Baji's voice sounded very calm as he tried to advise her, and he was totally right. He was being gentle around her and cared about her wellbeing, he was being sincere about what he was saying.

'I did my fucking job and fuck anyone who thinks they can drag my morals to hell'

"Thank you for saving Draken, N/n." 

She smiled genuinely at him, her managed to make her think positively again. She knew she would spend the entire night planning what her next step would be, so she didn't have to fear anything. She had her friends protecting her, but a part of her wants to protect them as well. 

"Did you just call me N/n ?" her smirk made an irk mark appear on his forehead.

"Didn't I tell you that you look ugly when you cry ?" 

↫↫↫↫↫ 乃 ↬↬↬↬↬

"Waah, Baji you seriously know how to cook." Y/n's mouth was hanging open when she saw the sumptuous lunch that Baji prepared.

"Fucking yes Sherlock, I told you I'm perfect." 

"Baji-san is a full package N/n, did you know he leaves his window slightly open so that cats can get in his room by night ?" Confessed Chifuyu, fully admiring Baji. 

"It's because they're attracted by my meatsti-" 


"Imagine simping over Baji, I can't relate." mumbled Y/n as Baji smacked her head.

While sitting in the kitchen, Chifuyu joined them and helped setting the table. Chifuyu was a great friend, he helped Y/n get over her stressing mood by giving her advice. He also kept bickering with Baji about nearly everything. 

Y/n regrets thinking that meeting them was a mistake. Despite their tough appearance and huge impact on the underworld, they were a group of dorks. 

Emma was a lively girl that made her see the world differently, Mikey gave her a different vision on how a leader should be. Draken made her learn that behind every tough person hides a gentle and a caring one. Hinata showed her that being kind was always an option, Chifuyu showed her that friendship is priceless and Baji proved that friendship isn't only about enjoying each other company.

If she had to talk about every single person she met from Toman, she would probably never end talking, but she knew she met genuine people that would help her through thick and thin. 

Friends that she always sought for.

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