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basically you made a bracelet for machi and give it to her.... uhhh, and i guess machi joins in on making bracelets w you

There was nothing to do in the phantom troupe hideout, as you weren't currently on mission with the others. But you weren't the only one who stayed back at the hideout, a few others stayed. It wasn't really a big mission, it was only a minor mission that required a little less than half the troupe.

You remember that you somehow stole like, a whole shelf of different colored beads, threads, and just fun little jewelry kits in general awhile ago. So you decided to make bracelets to pass time.

You thought of making Machi a cute and special bracelet for fun and smiled. You quickly got all of your threads and beads of choice and scattered them onto the floor of what the troupe claims to be the living room of the hideout.

You sat on the hard floor as you start the bracelet off by sliding a little under half the thread with small beads colored with Machi's favorite color, which took quite awhile considering the tiny beads would often fall through your fingers, but you were too stubborn to choose different beads.

Then, you slid in letter beads that spelt 'gorgeous' (or you can put something else besides gorgeous idk, your choice. id put mommy) and ended it with a heart bead. You finished the bracelet off, sliding the same tiny and tedious beads you started the bracelet with and knotted the bracelet tight together.

You stood up to go find Machi, who was keeping watch of the hideout, and give her the bracelet. Usually you'd give Machi stuff in private, but most of the phantom troupe members were on missions, and the rest that stayed were in their rooms. (im assuming if the hideout has rooms)

"Hey Machi," You called out, waving to her with a smile. You hid the bracelet with your hand behind your back. Machi turned to look at you with her usual stoic expression, arms crossed. "Hey, y/n. What's up?"

"I have something for you, so close your eyes and hold your hands out," You indicated, still keeping the bracelet behind your back. Machi eyed you suspiciously. "..Why?"

"'Cause it's a suprise, duh! Have you never gotten a surprise before?" You joked. Machi groaned but closed her eyes and uncrossed her arms to hold her hand out. You thought about it before realizing and blurted out in shock. "Wait, were there no gift givings in Meteor City?!"

"Idiot," Machi said, slightly annoyed. "Yes there were, but not very often. Now just finish your surprise already."

You place the bracelet onto her hand. "There. Now you can open your eyes." Machi opened her eyes and examined the bracelet you placed in her hand. Her cheeks started to turn a slighty pink hue as she read what the bracelet said. You spoke again as you pointed to the bracelet. "Do you like it? It took awhile with those tiny beads."

"It's cute, thanks y/n. I like it a lot," Machi said, putting the bracelet on her wrist before looking back to you, a very small, slight smile forming on her lips. "But what's the occasion?"

"There's none," You replied, with a giggle. You pulled Machi into a hug. "I love you and you're my girlfriend, can't I give you gifts every now and then?"

"I guess that's reasonable," Machi said as she hugs you back. "I love you too."

After you two pulled away, Machi looks at the bracelet on her wrist again. "Why don't we make bracelets together? I don't really think there's any sense of danger to watch over the hideout." Machi suggested.

"Sure," You beamed, a thought coming into your head. "Oh hey, let's make matching ones!"

"Fine, as long as we don't wear it around the troupe members... them teasing us about the matching bracelets would be endless." Machi sighs. You laughed as you lead Machi back to the living room where all of the threads and beads were.

You two made a lot of bracelets, with some of the others joining in. :)

i think machi would hide the bracelet you made her under her glove or something <3

hmghshfhfh i apologize for being gone for so so so sosososso goddamn long (almost half a year i think, nov 17 2021 was the last time ive posted), ive just been so lazyhhghgjjg. so im sorry if this chapter isnt good enough,,,

 so im sorry if this chapter isnt good enough,,,

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machi doodle 4 u guys as another apology

until then (maybe)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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