Heres some hcs i have of machi hehe

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Just some quick machi hcs (most are if youre her lover hcs) since im a very slow writer sorry

Head cannons:
-I feel like she'd have naturally cold hands?? (and would probably like it when you hold her hand)

-Loves it when you play with her hair

-Acts like she hates affection (hugs/kisses/etc) but secretly absolutely loves it

-Most likely calls you idiot alot. That or babe (or your prefered pet name (darling/baby/etc idk))

-Softie when it comes to her lover (she's literally the type to)

-DEFINITELY very protective over you

-When you guys are alone and if she's comfortable enough, she'll probably get kinda clingy and hug you??? (idk i just get the feeling she would)

-Kinda doesn't like PDA? i feel like she only does hand holding at most in public

-She loves sweet stuff (chocolates/cakes/etc)

-Hair may be messy but is actually very very soft hehe

-Likes being small spoon, occasionally will big spoon when cuddling

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