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uhhhhh,,,, Machi x a hard working (or something like that) reader

It was pretty late at night when Machi got back from her job and unlocked the door. After Machi entered into the house, she closed the door and flicked the lights on.

It was pretty quiet of course, since... it's around 2 in the morning. Machi was taking off her shoes and knew you'd most likely be awake at this time even if she told you to sleep so she just sighed. "Hey y/n, I'm back."

No reply.

Machi walks down the short hallway towards the bedroom and opens the door to the lit up room. The bedroom was pretty simple, and had most of the necessary things a usual bedroom would have. It also had a couple posters of the shows you and Machi liked. ...It was also where you worked on extra paperwork, since you preferred to work overtime at home.

"Babe?" Machi questioned as she stepped in. She finds you asleep at your desk, with a laptop with lots of documents opened, a stack of paperwork and a few empty mugs that used to be filled with (favorite energy drink, if you have one) next to you.

Machi closes her eyes and sighs as she walks over to you to turn off and close your laptop. She then lifts you up (however you prefer to be carried, ex: bridal style, over the shoulder style, etc. idk im indecisive) and carries you to the bed. After Machi lays your f/c blanket over you, she sits down next to you on the bed.

"You idiot," She looks at you with a stern but with a small bit of a worried expression, softly rubbing your cheek with her thumb and blushed slightly. "How do you even manage to get that much work piled onto you?"

Machi stops rubbing your cheek and stood up to turn the lights off. She walked to the to the bathroom to go take a shower, since of course, she hasn't taken a shower yet.

Machi paused at the bathroom door and took a quick glance at you before entering the bathroom and turn the shower on.

(It was 2:05 am at this time^^^)

You wake up to hear the shower running and groaned. Then you yawned as you rubbed your eye and sat up.

"Did I fall asleep again?" You asked yourself in your mind. You noticed the lights were off and someone had put you in bed.

"Huh. Must have been Machi." You thought as you smiled and lightly chuckled. You turn the lamp on and looked at the clock to check the time.

2:26 am

Your eyes widened as you realized you haven't finished all of your work and started to frantically look around. "Shoot, I haven't finished all of the paperwork! I gotta-"

You were too busy panicking in your thoughts to hear the shower stopping 2 minutes ago or even the bathroom door opening. "Oh, you're awake?"

You look up to see Machi in a towel holding the door open, staring at you. Your face became flushed in embarrassment. "Ah.. yeah... how long were you standing there?"

"You should go back to sleep and finish your work later. You're such a moron, you know," Machi says while walking over to the wardrobe and grabs some clothes to put on. As she was changing into some clothes, you lay back down and replied, "I know, I know. It's just that I-"

"Finish it later, dimwit," Machi interrupts. She finishes changing into her clothes and walks over to the bed. You chuckled at her response as you reach to turn the lamp off. "Fine, I will finish it later on today."

You turn to Machi as she lays down next to you and asked, "Hey, isn't your job also hard enough? You sometimes come back home pretty late."

"...It depends," Machi said as she turned to you. Machi closes her eyes. "But it's usually pretty easy with the help of the other spiders. Now go to sleep."

"Machi, wait, before you go to sleep, uh,," Your voice trails off as you blushed and awkwardly open your arms. Machi blushes slightly and sighs. She scoots closer to you and snuggles into your arms.

"Good night, y/n." She mumbles in your chest.

"Good night, Machi," You yawn and close your eyes. "I love you."

"...I love you too."
got a little delayed oops sorry

kinda pushed myself to write more here

I have no idea what job y/n has lol

also have another cat meme

amgery (angry) bread cat <3

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amgery (angry) bread cat <3

anyway, until next time!! (gosh im so bad at commiting to doing things)

Machi x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now