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His vision became misty as he tilted his head. His light headed headaches along with the dizziness he would face everyday still fazed him.

Not sleeping in the night and only getting four to five hours of hours of sleep would do that to anyone.

He sat looking out his window as the wind blew, the day playing over and over again in his mind. The tornado that blew away everything, that took everything from him. He had not let out a tear as he looked at his parents coffins going into the ground.

He had not let out a single cry when his parents deaths were confirmed. He just sat still and gave the officers a blank look, told them calmly to get out of his house and went up to his roof.

Some people saw him up on there, pitying him. Stopping to look at his blank face as he looked up at the sky, hugging his knees.

They admired his outspoken, bright sunshine-filled personality. The way when a rainbow came, how he would search for the end of it, laughing and clapping when he found it.

The whole neighborhood could feel that negative energy being radiated back to it. The environment around it slowly soaking in the black and white again.

It's has been a long time since anyone has seen him this sad. Only once when he didn't get to see his sister on the date planned because of a ferocious storm. Then later hearing she died a few days later from a heart attack.

It had been five years since that incident, he had cried for a whole year, staying in his room, only coming out to look his parents in the eyes occasionally. They would sometimes go and comfort the boy, petting his hair gently so he could sleep.

His grieve was still there, but he accepted his sister's death, deciding to move on knowing his she would love that for him. Not once did he dare throw her out of his heart.

But when that oh-so-faithful day came, he just wanted to tear out his heart, to get rid of it. The memory of his sister's death washing back up to him.

He thought it was finally over...guess not.

Why had the universe chose to have him left alone? He swore life had sadistic kink or something.

As he walked out into the thunderstorm, where the rain was drizzling, he sat down on the grass, not caring if it was wet.

He looked at the stars that still covered the sky, reminding him of himself.

How he was all blank outside, but a whole flood was building in his heart, a whole tsunami ready to control his life.

He had always had anger issues, but tried to restrain them, not wanting to get sent to a psychiatric hospital. He was more sensitive then anyone.

He laid down on the grass, taking in the scent of the rain, the cold breeze becoming colder by the minute. He didn't shiver, becoming numb against life's unfair games.

He just wanted to go home.

He just wished they had not called him back.

He wished he had not listened to their call.

Why did they have to use his spirit for their coping mechanism?

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