Chapter 16: The Traitor

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Pico (1st person)

Well, I'm a seventh grader now. I guess it's not that bad. Navigation was a bit hard at first, since I had new classrooms and there was a slightly different layout, but it was fine. I had a few classes with at least one of my friends, and I had lunch with Lauren, Zack, and Phil, but no Lila. Last year, I was able to get out of gym by taking band instead, which everyone seemed to like, but I was forced back into it this year. We didn't do much on the first day, which makes sense, since some new people were coming to our school for the first time. My friends seem to have quite a few classes with each other, so now they have some new inside jokes that I don't understand. That's fine, I guess...
Lauren (1st person)

My schedule's pretty good, and I have at least one friend in every class. My science teacher's lecturing us, even though it's only the second day of school, and I've been able to play crappy mobile games while she's teaching. I already know about domains and classes and whatever. In the middle of a lecture about cell structures or something, Zack texted me. I knew that he was in history then. I have the same history teacher, and he's pretty scary. Me and Zack had a conversation for a while. "Lauren," my teacher said. I tucked my phone into my backpack and looked up. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you come up here and label this?" She asked. "Oh, um... S- Sure," I said. "You can use your notes for reference, if you'd like," she said. I didn't have any notes. "No, I'll be fine..." I said. I went up to the board, getting a marker. "Um..." I said. I immediately regretted not paying attention. I was supposed to label the parts of a human cell. I knew nucleus, membrane, and mitochondria, but that's about it. I remember learning about this last year, but I'd forgotten most of it. "...Uh..." I said. Everyone stared at me. "You were paying attention, right?" She asked. "...No," I said. I assumed that everyone in the room would burst into laughter, but I only heard a couple of snickers. "...Okay, go sit down..." she said. "Smiley, you try," she said. Of course, Smiley got it right, because she knows everything. A few minutes later, I found myself texting Zack again.
Zack (1st person)

I was texting Lauren, since we weren't really doing much in history. "Zack," my teacher said. I looked up. "Hm?" I asked. I guess I should've hidden my phone or something. "You have two options. One, I'll take your phone to the front office for your parents to pick up later, or two, I'll read your texts to the whole class," he said. "...I'm not texting anyone," I lied. "You clearly are," some guy next to me I didn't know said. "So, what'll it be, Zack?" My teacher asked. I wanted to punch him in the face, but I figured that wouldn't help me any. "Um..." I said. My mom would probably just ground me, but my dad's a whole other story. "...Fine, just read it," I said. He made me come to the front of the room and hand him my phone. I assumed he'd read them without saying any names, but I was wrong.

He read my conversation with Lauren. It was all pretty boring stuff, until he got to the part where she'd told me a secret, which she'd specifically told me not to tell anyone else. "Lauren: Sometimes at three in the morning, I'll be alone in my room watching Toddler Funtime," he said. I almost died. Everyone in the room laughed. Well, probably not everyone, but still. "...Alright, alright, everyone calm down. Zack, come get your phone," he said. I shamefully walked to the front of the room and got my phone, which I shoved back into my backpack. Once the bell rang, I went to lunch. I'm just glad Lauren wasn't in my history class at the same time. Maybe everyone would just assume it was a different Lauren..?

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