Chapter 18: The Kindness

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Zack (1st person)

Lauren wasn't in school today, even though it was only the third day. I couldn't focus during any of classes. After school, though I did have a bit of homework, I went straight to Lauren's house. I knocked on the door, and her mom answered. "Oh, hello Zack," she said. I'd met her before, so she already knew my name. "Hi. Is Lauren okay?" I asked. "...She's not feeling great..." she said. "Oh... If she's sick, I probably can't see her..." I said. "No, I think you'll be fine. She probably just has food poisoning or something," she said. "Oh, alright. Is she in her room?" I asked. "As far as I know," she said. I went upstairs and to Lauren's room.

Her door was open, but I knocked anyway to let her know I was there. She was lying on her bed, facing away from me. She turned. "Come in," she said, her voice low. I came in and closed the door after me. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine..." she said. "Are you still sick?" I asked. "...I was never sick in the first place," she said. "...Oh," I said. "Yeah, I just faked it," she said. "Why didn't you want to go to school?" I asked. She glared at me. "...Well, will you go tomorrow?" I asked. No response. "...Why'd you tell everyone?" She asked. "...The history teacher said that he would read my texts or I'd get my phone confiscated for my parents to get later," I said. "What's so bad about getting your phone confiscated?" She asked. I shrugged. "...I should go know," I said. "Yeah, you should," she said, suddenly getting annoyed.
Phil (1st person)

I woke up the next day to pouring rain. I tried to convince my parents to drive me, but they were both busy. I just got an umbrella and began walking. I couldn't find any of my friends, so I just walked alone. When I got to school, I was wet, despite having an umbrella. My science teacher, Mr. Larson, is somewhat strict. I have him for second period. Phred's in that class, and he sits next to me. That would be great if we were allowed to talk to each other. Mr. Larson made it very clear that we have to raise our hand rather than calling out, or else we'd get a demerit. Two demerits was a detention. That was a school wide thing, but Mr. Larson made it especially clear.

We had a long worksheet to do, so I was mainly focused on that. I noticed that Phred seemed to be acting a bit strange. He had a sense on urgency in his expression. He raised his hand. Our teacher was too busy with lesson plans or something to notice Phred. Honestly, that's one thing I hate about school. They also say to raise your hand, then they never check to see if anyone's hand is raised. Phred began waving his hand around, but Mr. Larson still didn't notice. After a couple of minutes of this, Phred seem to lose patience. "Mr. Larson!" Phred called. He glared at Phred. "Phred, how many times have I gone over this? That's a demerit," he said. Phred seemed mainly frustrated, but I could tell that he tried to hide it. He still had the look of urgency on his face, but Mr. Larson still didn't see what he needed.

A few minutes later, we all finished our worksheets. Next, we'd have a small test. The test was more of a pretest to see what we already knew. It seems like a lot for the third day, but I guess it's important. Mr. Larson told some kid to pass out the tests, so he still didn't notice Phred. About five minutes through the test, Mr. Larson finally noticed Phred. "What is it, Phred?" He asked. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked. "You should've asked before we started taking a test. You'll have to wait until we're all done," he said. That really seemed to annoy Phred, but he didn't say anything in response.

Phred finished his test within the next few minutes. I was only about halfway through. I tried to hurry, as not to make the wait for my friend longer. Eventually, we all finished, and Mr. Larson finally let Phred go to the bathroom. Phred stayed in there for the rest of the period. After the bell rang, he came out and joined me. We were both heading to third period. We don't have the same teachers, but the classrooms are right next door. Phred was oddly silent. "Is everything alright, Phred?" I asked. "...I hate this dang school," he said. You know what he really said. I thought it was it bit early in the year for him to say something like that. "Is there something else besides Mr. Larson's class?" I asked. "...I guess not," he said.

Phred finished his test within the next few minutes. I was only about halfway through. I tried to hurry, as not to make the wait for my friend any longer. Eventually, we all finished, and Mr. Larson finally let Phred go to the bathroom. Phred stayed in there for the rest of the period. After the bell rang, he came out and joined me. We were both heading to third period. We don't have the same teachers, but the classrooms are right next door. Phred was oddly silent. "Is everything alright, Phred?" I asked. "...I hate this dang school," he said. You know what he really said. I thought it was it bit early in the year for him to say something like that. "Is there something else besides Mr. Larson's class?" I asked. "...I guess not," he said.

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