Enjoy, my friends 😘 ..
it's a lengthy one xAylin's POV
Naija: Drinks out in the town tonight!! 🍹🍾
Naija: Joining us?
Just seeing the alcohol emojis make my stomach turn. There's no way I'm touching another drink and I mean it this time. On Christmas, I don't know who mixed what in that cocktail, but it hit me like a hurricane.
You: I'm not built like you kiwis, I'm going to have to pass 😶
Naija: What? nooo :((
Naija: What are you going to do then?
I mean, I could always join them anyway and not drink. But I know how that situation always ends. They won't necessarily push me to join in, but I'll end up caving for just one drink that turns into rounds.
You: I'll probably just stay in and watch the fireworks from my balcony. Maybe I'll join you guys after :)
As soon as I hit send, another message pops up.
Zayn: Happy new year 🙏🏽❤️
Zayn: I know it's not time yet but I just wanted to be the first one wishing you
I sigh, leaning over the railing. Oh, Zayn...
I was hoping to put my energy into that in the new year, but he doesn't make it easy. We're due another conversation; about what we both want. There's no rush, but we miss each other. Nobody else can really relate, so there's no one to talk to but each other. I mean, who the hell else goes through long distance break-ups?
And now, what with us sort of communicating, it's like we're getting to know each other all over again, but with someone we've had recent history with. A talking stage with your ex.
You: Thanks ❤️
You: Still an entire day for you!
Zayn: Yeah I'm about to go to bed
Zayn: Have fun x
You: You too, enjoy your day tomorrow 😊
You: Sleep tight x
Zayn: I will now xx
He's been holding off on the I love you's since our little heart to heart on Christmas. It's something to get used to, but I think we both know it's for the best. We're in a... rather awkward phase right now. It's like we sort of made up, but no talks of getting back together as of yet.
I'm still getting properly settled in. I barely have furniture, my bed stand is still stood against my wall and half of my clothing is still in my suitcase. Zayn's car-less and recently started seeing a therapist, so we're both adjusting on our own as part of the healing process.
Another message comes through, but it's not Zayn's tone.
Mark: Hi ☺️ I'm glad you like it
I click into the message, forgetting what I sent in the first place since he took so long to respond.
The message I've sent reads, just wanted to say thanks for the vase, it looks great in my living room.
If Time Stands Still
Fanfiction"Whatever this is, it doesn't have to be complicated."