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Davina's POV
I woke up, and I was in my bed in the attic. I sighed, and sat up. I seen the sun shining in the shades. I was out all night, seriously? Each time they use that damn syringe, I keep being passed out longer than normal. I wonder what's going on.

   I got out of bed, and changed into my white lace dress, with my black flats.

  I went over to my easel, and started drawing. It's become a passion of mine.

Then he came into the attic. I said, " What do you want?"

He said, " Any magic going on?"

I said, " No, it's quiet."

He said, " You best not be lying to me, witch!"

I said, " I'm not."

He sped over, and stood in front of me. I said, " You can't compel me."

He said, " I may not be able to compel you, but I can get answers. Oh! And stop trying to escape."

I said, " No. You need to stop using me. You are so lucky I don't know how to kill you. But I promise you, I will find a way to kill you."

He sneered and said, " Have fun, with that."

He sped out of the room, and I continued drawing.

Kol's POV
I woke up, and put on my jeans, my black t shirt, and my black boots. I sped downstairs to the kitchen. I seen Stefan, and Rebekah making out. Rebekah was sitting on the counter.

I said, " Come on! I eat there!"

  They pulled apart, and looked at me. Stefan said, " Why did you sleep in late?"

I said, " Because I wanted to. Now get off the counter."

  Rebekah got off the counter, and they left the kitchen. I sighed, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Elijah, and Nik came into the kitchen.

  I said, " When are we going to visit the witches?"

  Nik said, " How did you know?"

  I said, " I eavesdropped when you were in Mystic Falls. Now, when?"

  Elijah said, " Right now. We were going to fill you in, but it seems you already know."

I said, " I wouldn't be me, without eavesdropping on your conversations."

  They laughed, and we sped to the Lafayette cemetery.

We arrived at the cemetery, and we walked inside. I yelled, " Witches!"

Elijah said, " Kol!"

I shrugged, and said, " What?"

Nik, and Elijah shook their heads. I chucked, and the witch came out from one of the tombs. The witch said, " Who the hell are you?"

  Elijah said, " I'm Elijah Mikaelson, and this is my brother Niklaus Mikaelson."

  I said, " I'm also their brother, Kol Mikaelson. The dashing, and handsome one."

  The Witch rolled their eyes. Nik said, " Now, you have us here. What is going on?"

The witch said, " I am Sophie Devereaux, and you are going to need my help, like I need yours. Follow me."

We followed Sophie inside the crypt. The witch said, " Bring her out."

  Then a few other witches brought a girl out, and I said, " Who the bloody hell is this?"

  Nik said, " I don't know."

   Elijah said, " Who is this?"

   The witch said, " This is Hayley Marshall. She is pregnant with your child, Klaus."

  Nik laughed, and said, " Funny, sweetheart. Vampires can't reproduce. I don't even know who this is!"

The witch said, " Really? You shared a one nighter with her. You may be a vampire, but you are also part wolf. Wolves can reproduce."

   Elijah said, " How do we know she didn't sleep with anyone else?"

  The girl said, " I didn't. I didn't even know I was pregnant."

  Something seemed off with what she was saying. She seemed to be lying. I walked over to the girl, and listened closely. I heard a faint heartbeat coming from her belly. I said, " Listen, brothers."

  Elijah, and Nik came over, and listened closely.

  They said, " It's true. She is pregnant."

  I said, " Yep. Now, what do we do, witch?"

  The witch said, " The girl, and your child's life is in my hands. We are linked as one. So, if anything happens to me, happens to her. We want your help to take down Marcel. He took something that's valuable to us."

  I went over to the witch, and held her by the neck. I said, " I don't think it's something. Witches wouldn't call upon the strongest, fastest and oldest supernatural creatures, if it's just something. So. Who is this person, that's valuable to you?"

  I heard the girl slowly loose her consciousness. I let the witch go, and Elijah helped the girl stand. I said, " Tell me!"

  Nik came over, and put his hand on my shoulder, and said, " Kol. We got this. Go to the house."

  I said, " But."

  Elijah said, " Go, Kol."

  I sighed, and sped to a bar, and drank.

Five hours later, It's nighttime, now. I sped to the house, and then I sped upstairs to my room. I went to the bathroom, and got a shower. After my shower, I put on my pajama pants, and walked into the bedroom. I suddenly got this picture of a girl in my head. She has brown haired, brown eyes, and looks no older than 18.

She's stunningly beautiful, and bright. The picture got out of my head, five seconds later. I sighed, and laid down.

I wonder who that girl was, or is. I soon fell asleep, dreaming of her.

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