New Orleans

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   Kol's POV
      It's been over a century, and now here we are back in New Orleans. Nik had gotten the doppelgänger blood, so he can turn hybrids. We were sitting on the jet, and I looked around. I seen Elijah and Katerina together, ugh. I seen Stefan and Rebekah, ugh. I looked and seen Nik, and Caroline together, kissing.

  Can't they get a room. Everyone in this family is happy, and I'm just me. I don't need a woman to keep me happy. I got my siblings to annoy. I smiled, and got up. I went over to the bar, and poured myself a bourbon.

  I took a sip, and then opened a beer bottle. I grabbed the bottle, and the bourbon, and 'accidentally' spilled the beer on Stefan. I laughed. 

   Rebekah said, " Kol, why did you do that?"

  I said, " I'm bored."

  She went to get a towel for Stefan, and she soon came back, and gave Stefan the towel. Stefan said, " It's fine. He's just lonely."

  I said, " I am not Lonely."

  Rebekah said, " Yeah, you are."

  Caroline said, " You've been bugging all of us, more than usual."

  I said, " Ah. So you are paying attention to what's going on around you. You, and Nik realize that everyone else is on the jet, with you."

  Nik said, " Kol. You need a girl."

  I said, " I don't need a girl. I'm perfectly fine by myself."

  Katerina said, " Kol, once we get to New Orleans, you are getting a girlfriend."

  Elijah said, " He doesn't need a girl."

  I said, " Even Elijah agrees with me."

  Elijah said, " You need a babysitter."

  I huffed, and sat down in my seat. Everyone else laughed. I said, " Whatever."

   They soon shut up, and went into their own conversations. I sighed, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I opened it, and looked at the picture of my siblings, and I at the Ball back in Mystic Falls. I sighed, and plugged my headphones in, and turned on some music.

   Three hours later, we arrived in New Orleans. The jet landed, and we got off. We went to the cars that are waiting, and got in. I went with Nik, and Caroline. Elijah, Katerina, Rebekah, and Stefan went in the other car.

  On the way to the plantation house, Caroline said, " For what it's worth Kol, you aren't that bad. Just annoying."

  I smiled, and said, " I'm going to take that as a compliment."

  She smiled, and held Nik's hand.

  After thirty minutes, we arrived at the house. We got out of the car, and grabbed our things, and went inside. I sped upstairs to my room, and put everything away. I grabbed my five wooden baseball bags, and put them by my bed. The room is still the same, thankfully. I hate when people mess with my things.

  I sighed, and got a shower. After my shower, I put on my pajama pants, and laid down, and soon fell asleep.

Davina's POV
    I'm still in the attic, wishing to be Able to leave. I sighed, and went to the door. I opened it, and walked out. I went downstairs, and seen the vampire that's guarding me, talking on the phone. I smirked, and ran to the door of the church. The vampire sped in front of me, and smirked.

  The vampire put a syringe in my neck. Then everything went black.

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