Chapter 4

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-Lorenzos POV
"It's been over 5 hours where are they, " Alessandro says worried pacing the room while Matteo was sitting across from me on his computer trying to find them and Enzo was on the couch in the living room with ice to his face and stomach from his fight and Leonardo was sitting next to Matteo on his computer to. The door opens and Lucas and Olivia walk-in "Hey guys " Olivia says causally "Where the hell have you been " "Around "Olivia answers why Lucas looks at his phone he seems to be the quiet one but the more dangerous "What do you mean by -you guys need to tell us where you go "Matteo interrupts Enzo "nice face "Lucas says to Enzo while putting an arm around Olivia Enzo grows and walks up the stairs "you will be punished for what you did to Enzo car that means no phones, no cars and you sleep in your rooms and you start school tomorrow"Alessandro demands Olivia gives a look Lucas he nods what the fuck can they read each other minds "ok " they walk up the stairs there was a silence them "what just happen "Alessandro asks "I don't know " Matteo replies.

-Leonardo's POV

Once the twins left we just sit there for a while until I decided to go upstairs I walk past Lucas's room and I hear them talking I didn't mean to stand there and listen but "Hey it's ok I'm just across the hall " Lucas shakes his head "what if it happens again and your anxiety " Olivia hugs Lucas "hey I know but remember, born together "
"Kill together " "Die together "They both finish what the hell does that mean "Can you stay with me Angel," Lucas asks Olivia nods and they both lie down. What if what happens again and what's with the whole born together kill together die together thing and what do they mean by kill together? All these thoughts run through my head

first They go out of the police with red smoke and blow up stuff
they had guns when we found them
They did even fear anything it's like there lifeless with cold tones
They had over cars more expensive than ours
They have that whole 'born together, kill together, die together' motto
And they don't give one fuck
Who are they because they are not normal 16-year-old twins?

I walk to my room and sit on my bed I start to click some pieces together I run down the hall to Lorenzo's office I burst in all my brothers are there "So we need to get the ship-Leo what the hell are you doing "Alessandro says I sit down "the twins they......they-spit it out Leonardo " Enzo says "the twins they are -"

✦Olivias POV✦
I wake up to an annoying ass alarm I only got like 2 hours of sleep without Lucas, I smash my hand on it,
Beep, beep, beep
I grab it and chuck it at the wall "Aghhhh" I roll over and grab my phone 6:30 and school starts at 730 I get up and walk over to Lucas's room I nock, and I get a "Come in Liv " in a groggy morning voice. I walk in Lucas what on his bed rubbing the dark bags under his eyes "Did you get any sleep?" He shrugs "2 hours at most u, "he says leaning his head on my shoulder as I sit next to him "Same" I reply to him "We have to get ready for school also where getting the biologicals(brothers) back " he nods lifting his head off my shoulder "this is why your my twin," he says hugging me I smile "so what you go in mind " I smirk.

Once I go back to my room and get dressed in a black cropped shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket that matches Lucas along with some nikes that match Lucas and I grab our ring and walk over to his room.

✧Lucas POV✧
I get dressed in black pants a black hoodie with my leather jacket over the top of it and my nikes that matches Livs I put on our chain ring.

I sit on my bed looking at the ceiling still tired from last night since I didn't get any sleep along with Liv." hey I got the stuff did you "Liv says walking in "yeh " I sit up liv sits next to me "can't we just run we managed to for 15 years why loses the streak " she nods and hugs my waist her head on my chest "I want to run but we need to do this first we need to make sure they stay away in a week we will be out of here I promise it's just us, forever " I nod and hug her tighter "I missed you last night I couldn't even sleep " "I may have had a small panic attack " she says leaning into my chest "you could have come to my room what are they gonna do about it " she lifts her head "yeh what are they gonna do about it " "they're gonna do nothing "I reply we both smirk.

✦Olivias POV✦
We grab our bags and make sure we have all of the stuff we need we walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen all the biologicals stop their conversation they all look at us differently Leonardo looks like we stole his puppy Enzo just looks like Enzo but he has big ass bruises on his face Matteo looks sorry and a little bit confused Alessandro looks at us like he's trying to read us and Lorenzo shows no emotions but he can't cover his eyes emotions which he looks angry. I look at Lucas he gives me a look that says he's seeing what I'm seeing I nod "Hey guys "I say I get a short hi from Matteo and Leonardo "Well where gonna go for school so see you, whenever "me and Lucas turn until "you're going to be home by 4 at latest and Olivia you're going with Enzo Leonardo With Lucas . Me and Lucas share a look and smirk we turn to Lorenzo "no " we both says "that wasn't an option now you're going with your brothers, now " I shake my head "no " we both say again "you can't say that " Leonardo butts in "what are you guys gonna do about it " Enzo stands up Lucas puts his arm around my shoulder "that's what I thought " we walk out of the door and get on our motorcycles since they took our car keys and the cars we both got on and speed off.

✧Lucas POV✧
We spread through the cars doing tricks and just messing around a bit I come up to the side of Liv while on our bikes as we get closer to the school we speed in side by side all events turn to us don't they have anything better to do?
We get off our bikes and then take off our helmets all the girls pulled down their shirts and pulled up their skirts I just looked away while the boys started at Olivia I was getting mad and Olivia could tell. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked in sync to the office on the way any boy that would look at Liv I glared at them and she did the same to any girl that looked at me.

Once we got to the office there was an elder lady in her sixties "Morning darlings you must be the new Cobra twins "
I just nod and Olivia talks, when we're on a mission or anywhere Olivia always does the talking I prefer not to unless I want to and I on,y need to talk to Liv "Yes Olivia and Lucas Cobra we just need out schedules and lockers " the lady noted and looked through a draw "here you go, darling, have a good day " she gave the lady a small smile "thank you ".We walked out of the office and found our lockers which were next to each other "What was up with the biologicals this morning " I shake my head "I don't know but I think they know something".

The whole day we had all our classes together we just kept to ourselves and stayed away from the biologicals every girl that tried to talk to me I turned down or Liv scared them off and for every boy that tried to talk to Liv I would scare them off and trough out the day we planted all the stuff we needed to. It's now last period which is P.E I'm on the field already waiting for Liv and 2 boys come up to me liv comes as they do I put my arm around her shoulder "Hey um I'm Nick this is Dylan " Dylan nods at us with a big smile "I'm Olivia and this is Lucas " she says not letting her Gard down keeping a cold tone "nice to meet you guys we just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to hang out after school you guys seem like cool people " liv looks at me and we just have a conversation with our eyes for a second then she looks back at them while I just make sure there not looking at her in the wrong way "sure " she says they both smile"ok thanks " Dylan says in a happy voice I just nod " you do t talk much do you " Nick ask me "don't take it personally "Liv says I just look around at the other students.

-At the diner

We all take a seat both me and Liv on one side Nick and Dylan on the other we have been talking for a while I sometimes add in a sentence or two but that's about it ." so you guys single " Liv choked on her drink "yeh we both are " "and it's staying that way " I add looking at her she just nods at the boys "what about you guys? " liv questions
"I am and Dylan is single too," Nick says, after ages of talking and making dumb jokes it's about 8 and me and Liv have a mission I nudge her and give her a look she nods "Did you guys just read each other's minds or something, " Dylan asks in amazement "no" she say in a 'duh' voice "we have to go but it was nice meeting you guys " they nodded "yeh see you guys round " Nick says giving us a wink which was directed at me more I nod we bro hug and they hug Olivia then we leave.

"Do you like them "Liv ask while walking to our bikes "yeh there not bad but did they have to hug you "She just shakes her head "Lu it's fine I don't want to date them and if they hurt me I'll let you have the first punch but I getting the second?" she says I just smile at her then we get on our bikes and drive off.

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