♖Chapter 11♖

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-/-/-continuing if from -/-/-
I walk trough the door after being out with Kai and I smile walking in until, I bump into a chest "Well little sister your home ,what where you out doing little Hells Angel duties" I look up seeing Lorenzo ,Alessandro,Matteo,Enz,Leonardo and Lucas who giving me a look 'don't lie' I smirk and nod "in fact brothers I was sorry was I late for your Mafia meeting " I look over to Lucas " I didn't know we set a meeting I forgot my gun" Lucas smirks back at my job of annoying the brothers clearly paying off I look back to my brothers seeing Leonardo and Enz smirking and even Matteo a small smile
"All of us third floor now?" Lorenzo says and me and Lucas smirk walking up the stairs .

Me and Lucas where sat I for the of Lorenz's dark oak desk with smirks plastered on our faces as our biologicals are wither leaning against the wall or on the lounge."so tell me how the fuck you became the worlds best assassins " Lorenzo ask calmly but cold "thank you " I say referring to the comment of 'the worlds best assassins ' and I look to Lucas he gave me a nod and I wait but he doesn't change his mind so I start "well it started when when we where 7 it was the first time out 'mother' "I say rolling my eyes and air quotes "hit us she always did little things till they weren't little we new it was wrong we tried to protect each other but then she had her boyfriends the drugs the alcohol all of it one night we ran we got to a alley and saw a club we went in no one noticed actually, then we saw it we saw the ring the fighters the money the guns the daggers the blood the power and it started there we started training with some help of some people we started small just the odd illegal things mainly blowing up shit then fighting,racing ,hacking and assassins and yeh it was always just us we new about you guys and the mafia once we got here " the brothers sit there taking it in Lorenzo speeds first "that's not the whole story is it " I shake my head "no but that's what you need to know " he nods "so how did you find out about us " Lucas ask not knowing "there where a few things but it was nothing till we saw you assassin stuff and I found 4 guns in your bedroom " Lorenzo says looking at me for the last part I nod "now where the fuck where you today ?" Enzo asks me I think for a second debating wether I should or not "I was with my boyfriend " I say calmly "oh yeh um I have a boyfriend also "Lucas says the same tone out brothers just stay silent "we know you aren't going to change your minds if we don't approve but we want to meet them " we nod "oh also there both involved in the underworld stuff by the way " I say witch will make it easier for Lucas to tell Nick they nod "also next time you go out tell us we haven't been the best but where family so let's start acting like one " Lorenzo says and we nod before walking out and Lucas pulls me to his room "Who?" He asks firmly "Kia Black he's also Devils Shadow and he knows who we both are"he thinks for a second "Devils Shadow" he asks if for clarification " yeh Devils Shadow " he sighs " ok but your always before nick remember that " I nod " you will always come first too lu" .

At dinner we decided that Nick and Kia will come over on Saturday for dinner and with that I had a shower and got into Kai's hoodie and some shorts before going to bed .

We get off our motorbikes that are parked next to Dylan and nick's car we all did a bro hug and Lucas left his arm around nick's shoulder with a smile on his face making me happy for him I hear motorbikes coming in knowing it's Kai ,Oliver and Cooper I turn and what's as they park next to mine and Luca's . Kai walks to me a smirk oh his face and cooper walks up with his girl friend who is a really nice girl I've seen she's quite but her name's Kimberly and then Oliver he walks up with with a smile just being his usual goofy, flirty self.

Kai's arm goes around me and he rests his hand on my waist . "Hey cherry" he says kissing my temple I smile "hey K" I look back to the conversation seeing that everyone introduced them self the bell rings and we walk in before me Kimberly and Nick walk together as we all split in groups for our classes .

At lunch we me and Kim where waiting for the boys and I actually learnt a lot about her I see why cooper and her are together and she was just really nice. Kai comes up and i give a small smile and he puts an arm around me like this morning . Once everyone's there we walk in and get our food I get a message as I'm about to eat

We know where you are kitten.
There's no running this time no one to save you if you run we'll kill them all.- ### ### ####

My breath hitches knowing who I hear my phone go off again I look seeing pictures of all of them Luca,Nick,Dylan,Kai,Oliver ,Kim and cooper some where at school one was even of them at there house my breath quickens I try to push it away but I can't I shut my phone and stand up I look to Kim "I'm going to the bathroom " I say knowing she would be the best to tell she gives a knowing smile and I walk out my breath now even faster as I tried not to breath while telling Kim I get to the roof and push open the door I get to the edge as just slid one one of the walls i try to calm my breath and but none of my panic attack calming things are working I feel tears coming and my phone go off again I look at it seeing it's a call I see it's a no number knowing I pick it up
" hello kitten "
" wh-what do yo-u want-t " i grit out
" oh kitten you know what I want now I've finally found you I can get it "
I don't reply I bust listen knowing that he can her my fast breath
"Meet me at where you are right now at 12:30 tonight you tell Amy one they'll be dead all of them even little Kai oh and don't for get Luca "
" I'll me-t you ju-just not them "
He laughed evilly
"See you later kitten "

I sit on the roof for an hour my breath finally dies down to normal I see texts from Luca and Kai I find a few clicks and find Kim's number I add her to contact before I text her
" I got um it can you cover for me " -liv
" yeh sure, do you need any ..."-Kim
" nah I'm good just feeling sick I'll be at next period "- liv
"K"- Kim

I breath relief and I walk down to the bathroom and look in the mirror seeing my mascara I'm has runned down a little and my small amor of eyeliner is smudged I just wipe it off not bothering to put it back on as I don't have my bag i take my hair out doing it back up and I start pacing the bathroom thinking about tonight I start feeling another panic attack I hear the bell I've missed lunch and 1 period though I said to Kim I wouldn't I walk out of the bathroom and walk to my locker seeing Kia and Luca both worried I walk up putting on my blank, emotionless face "liv where have you been " Luca asks looking worried " bathroom sorry " Luca looks at me wired " for lunch and a whole period " I nod and open my looker I see Kia looking at me then a wave of something comes over him " are you ok ? Do you want anything? I'll go get some food and - Kai ,love I'm fine " he raises a brow " fine but if you need anything come to me ,cherry " I nod and hug him knowing that Thai could be one of the last I hug him tighter "I will" i hug him for more until I pull away And he looks at me sadly I turn to Luca and see him looking at me wired still " bro it's her .....time "Kai says now an arm around my shoulder Luca nods believing as he doesn't look if I'm lying with this stuff " oh I'm yeh well let's get to class " And we walk to class he walks off and Kai and i walk to our class " I know it's not your time by the way cherry I know Luca believes you but I can see your lying , remember trust me please " I don't look up at him as we get to class I just sit down wishing I could just not have to deal with this .

Hey guys hope you enjoyed sorry I've been slack but I'm been moving houses like half way across the country so I haven't had much time but I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to see what's next .


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