Chapter 5

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-Lorenzo's POV
"Lorenzo we are getting more threats by the hour we have to do something "All of the boys and I were in my office trying to work out a plan we have been getting threats to all of us but not the twins, yet ."we need to do something before the twins get hurt " I put run my hand through my hair "we could ally but with who " we when silent till Leonardo spoke, "I think I just found an alliance but it comes at a price " he looked worried he put the computer in front of me it had a phone number on the email with a small message attached -you need an alliance and I am willing to make one but it comes at a price, call the number - 049 #### ### -.
I looked at my brothers they nodded I grabbed my mafia phone and dialed the number

"I would like to make you a deal cobra brothers I am, Feodore Ivanov The Russian mafia, "a dusty voice says but still with coldness following through it "You have a sister and I am passing the mafia to my son he needs a Queen I would like to make a deal my son and your sister get married and our mafia will give full protection as I see you are getting many treats and out mafia is bigger and stronger, so do we have a deal "I mute the call and look at all my brothers "we need this it will keep them safe vote who says yes who says no " yes " yes," me and Alessandro says "No " Enzo nearly yells" yes," Matteo says "No," Leonardo says already knowing I'm going to say yes
"We ......we accept the deal "the I say hoping to not regret this Enzo storms out of the room "well pleasure doing business with you, I'll be in contact "then the line goes dead I look up at at my brothers Leonardo just shakes his head and walks out ."Are you sure we should have done that? " Matteo asks "I ......we, made the right choice we need to do this it's keeping them safe in the long run "he nods and then walks off.

✦Olivia POV✦
After we get home from the small mission and get the money we walk upstairs I had a shower I get dressed in jeans and a hoodie I took from Lucas I walk to his room and we just sit there why our phones /laptops,
"Guys Dinners ready " Alessandro Says standing at the door "ok" I say and I and Lucas get up following him to the dining room we get there and Leonardo didn't have his normal vibe and Enzo looked pissed and his knuckles where split and bruised while Matteo just had gave a small smile and was quite and Alessandro and Lorenzo where just being Alessandro and Lorenzo we sat down and started to eat "This Friday we have guests coming over and I would like you both to be there wearing something formal, and don't be late it's at 9 ok? " Enzo mumbled something but no one seemed to chatty it "ok" I said not caring it's probably for some mafia crap "Lucas?" Lorenzo asked he looks up giving him a 'wtf do you want to look ' "I expect an answer " "You got one " I say he moves his glare to me "Well Lucas can talk for himself " I clench my first digging my nails into my palms trying to control my anger is he trying to start something I feel a hand wrap around mine and I start to calm down once I notice they belong to Lucas "when my twin speaks she speaks for both of us now if you have a problem with that I may remind you the first time you meet us, what was it I said ?" he asks in a 'clueless' like tone "I believe it was 'we have guns ' and what did I say? " I say staring directly at Lorenzo along with Lucas "And we're not afraid to use them ' I believe it was," he says "And we still have those guns but that's beside the point I gave you an answer so take it, "I say in a cold annoyed tone "and we are sure as fuck where not afraid to use them in case you forgot, "Lucas says "so you got your self and answer, "I say with a smirk we both get up and go upstairs I shut the door ."We need to see how they are having over on Friday " Lucas nods while getting his computer I get mine and we start hacking when I'm about to get trough Lucas gets to it first "Still faster than you lil Angel " he says with a smirk while still typing "I'm only 3 minutes younger" I say annoyed "sure, I found there meeting with the ..Russian mafia the capo and his son who is soon to take over the mafia " I nod and start typing "our brothers have been getting threats so it's probably for some alliance, wouldn't they want us out of the house if they where doing mafia shit " I ask while trying to hack the Russians connections to the Cobra mafia "Yeh but they would only keep us there if they needed something from us " we share a look and start typing.

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