Fɪʀsᴛ Kɪss

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His POV:

Me and N/N was sat in a diner eating, I had my usual with a flag in it while N/N sat watching me to make sure I was okay. They always tries their best to help me "N/N come a bit closer." I said patting the seat next to me "You look lonely sat over there alone!". I watched as they sat next to me. I continued my meal until I was finished, knowing Y/N they had already payed the bill and was ready to go.

A gentle smile was lingering on their face, the same smile she always had.
"Ready to go?" they asked which I gave a simple nod to and with that we left. We ended up on a rooftop. I had been napping for a while on there, eating always makes me tired. As I began to wake up I felt a gentle kiss against my forehead. I felt the butterflies in my stomach begin to appear. "Afternoon N/N" I say smiling

A blush spread across their face and I returned their kiss from earlier, even if it was only a few seconds long it was still my very first. "Thanks!"


Y/N's POV:

We were sat in silence in an alleyway, no reason why but we were. We've got closer recently and I keep missing him when we are apart... It doesn't feel right really, I have this feeling in my stomach when I'm around him.. It always seems awkward though. It could just be me overthinking though.. I wonder what Mikey would think though. Does he even know about my feeling though?

"Y/N, Your spacing out again" I hear a voice call from the left side of me. "Sorry Draken.. Just alot on my mind." all I got was a simple nod but a small smile too.

Shrugging it off u just continued with what I was doing, by that I mean day dreaming. Of course that ended in me blushing and looking over at him 'Just don't be nervous about if Y/N then it'll be fine..' I leant over to him only getting a confused glance in return and pressed my lips against his after pulling him down by his shirt (IF your shorter than him) luckily it didn't turn out badly since he did kiss back until "Hey!" Mikey said laughing a little at what he had just walked in on.


Y/N's POV:

I was sat cleaning his wounds. He'd ended up in another fight and unsurprising got beaten again. "So who did it this time then?" I ask as he flinched from cleaning his wounds. "It was at the fight club again.." I hear him mutter "I'll beat them one day though!".

I smile a little at his determination "I'm sure you will". His smile from those words was just what I needed today, I continued to bandage and care for his wounds. "It's hard to believe that we're getting close to final exams you know, I hope I do well.." I say trying to change the subject from the violent acts from earlier "You'll do fine I'm sure of it".

His reaction was honestly a boost in your ego, but that's what his compliments did to you. Even if he did mess it up sometimes from being nervous. I pressed a small kiss to his cheek "Stay safe and get going alright, try to stay out of fights on the way home and call me when you get home!" I say as his face turned completely red. "A-alright, Bye!" he said leaving the house and off back to his home after pinching himself to check if it was really real


His POV:

They were sat on my bike waiting for me to get back from the meeting I had to attend. Obviously distracted by something else it gave me the chance to go and walk to them without them noticing "Hey. What's so interesting over in the tree?" I asked seeing them jump a little "Just watching the leaves and how the leaves fall..Anyway are you ready to go?" they ask a little excitement in their voice.

I kind of offered them a ride somewhere last week and so that's where we're off to. I'm planning to take them to a place in the woods. We both got into the position we needed and set off, once we had got there it had started raining a little but nevermind a little rain never hurt anyone right? When we got there we walked for a while. I ended up giving Y/N my jacket to keep them warm. Their H/C H/L (HAIR COLOUR AND HAIR LENGTH) was sticking to their face.

"Hey Y/N you okay?" I asked but the reaction I got shocked me slightly a kiss.. After I few seconds I returned it and that's what really sparked my love for them.

A/N I'm thinking about adding a couple of Takemichis friends would you want that or is there others you would prefer to have added?

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