How Much Is Too Much - 18+ (TharnType)

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Mouth open on a long moan, Type twisted the sheet beneath him in his right fist, his left buried in Tharn's hair, clawing at the silken strands as he felt the familiar heat coil in his belly. Tharn held Type's hips firmly to prevent him from bucking wildly and thrusting up into his mouth. He maintained the steady rhythm of his mouth sliding up and down Type's throbbing length.

"" Type was whining now. "I'm so close..." His voice trailed off in a whimper as Tharn looked up at his face. Type was rocking his head side to side, his eyes tightly closed chasing his orgasm.

Tharn smiled thinly as he released Type's cock from his mouth with a slight pop.

"I know."

Type gasped as his eyes snapped open. Tharn's tone was teasing, but he detected an undercurrent of steel. Need and confusion fought for dominance in Type's eyes as he met Tharn's gaze. Fire and desire burned in them, but something else burned there too. Resolve. That look made Type shiver from head to toe.

"But...but..." Type stammered.

"But...but..." Tharn mocked him. He slid along the length of Type's body, setting fire to his skin everywhere he touched. Type felt Tharn's hot breath at his ear as he whispered, "Oh baby, do you really think you deserve to cum?"

Type's mouth hung slack, speechless as Tharn pressed his lips to the sensitive spot beneath his ear. He shuddered as he felt Tharn's tongue flick out to taste his skin before sucking lightly on the spot. He didn't want to leave a mark in such an obvious spot. Type's cock leaped at the sensation, making Tharn laugh low in his throat.

"You were very, very naughty today," Tharn whispered in his ear, his teeth sinking gently into Type's tender earlobe. Type moaned, a little breathless, as slid his hand across his body to wrap around his rock-hard cock. He was leaking precum, leaving little, milky pools on the skin of his belly.

Tharn drew his body up to sit beside Type who was squirming on the bed beside him and slapped Type's hand away. Type gasped before his brows knitted together in defiance. He took hold of his length again and began to stroke.

"I did nothing today," Type said through gritted teeth.

Tharn grasped Type's wrist firmly, making him release his throbbing cock, and held it above his head, pinning him to the bed. He climbed onto the bed and straddled Type's hips, grinding his pelvis against his lover's. Type gasped at the contact and Tharn smirked looking between their bodies as his length slid alongside Type's with each movement.

"Oh, know that's not true," Tharn spoke in a low voice, a dangerous glitter in his eyes. Type flushed despite himself and he felt some of his defiance melt away as Tharn increased his speed, the delicious friction between their bodies bringing him closer to the edge again. With pre-cum leaking, coating both of their erections by now, Type forgot about the words burning his tongue that he had wanted to spit at Tharn. All he could think of was the rhythm of their slick cocks. With his hands restrained, he could not pull on Tharn's ass to bring him closer, so Type wrapped his legs around Tharn's hips so that he could grind harder against his length.

Tharn released his hands, and in a quick motion pulled Type's legs from around his waist and moved away from him. Type's eyes snapped open, fire and fury burning there. "What the fuck, Tharn!" he growled through gritted teeth, sitting up on the bed to confront him. He was painfully aroused by now, sticky with pre-cum and about to explode.

Tharn grinned at his pissed-off little hellcat. "Surely you didn't think that I wouldn't make you pay for teasing me. Did you think that I wouldn't follow through?"

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