One Song - 18+ (ForthBeam)

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Beam's POV

I can hear the familiar rhythm, feel the muffled thump of the bass before I even reach the heavy timber door.

Oh god, he's playing that song again...

You know the one. It's the song that sets a fire in his eyes. The song that heats his blood. The song he plays on a loop when he's going to make sure I can't walk straight. I'm not surprised that the door isn't locked, he is waiting for me after all.

I walk toward the kitchen without making a sound. I need a moment to ready myself, and I don't need Forth knowing that I'm home just yet. The song reaches its crescendo and for a moment the house is silent until it starts again; quiet but for the faint grunts coming from the room at the back of the house. I know he's in his gym lifting weights, repetitive movement to keep his mind from thinking about what he really wants to do.

The song starts up again and I take a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I know I will be needing this. I take a long swallow as I kick off my shoes and start down the hallway. Fuck knows what has happened during the day to bring him to this point, but I know it will end with him fucking me until my knees buckle. A smile plays at the corner of my mouth as I envisage this in my mind; there are definitely worse ways to finish my day.

The door is slightly ajar as I approach, Forth's grunts becoming louder the closer I get. I pull my t-shirt over my head as I step inside, discarding it on the floor, better to do this now than have it ripped from me in about two minutes. I have lost more than enough clothing this way.

Forth's POV

I know Beam's here. I can always sense when he's near, and with frustration fuelling my heightened senses I can feel him before I even turn around. Propped up in the doorway, tilting a bottle and pouring the contents down his throat, I watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows the water with a smile. Fucking tease, looking me straight in the eye, I think to myself and look, he's already shirtless. He's about to fucking get it!

Returning the weights to their rack I stalk across the room and press my body, hard against the full length of his. Electricity flickers between us as I watch him, our faces are barely inches apart, his smile fading. Beam is the first to break eye contact, and I grasp his chin between my thumb and forefinger, lifting his head, forcing his eyes to meet mine.

"Hi," I growl, my own smile starting to spread across my face, but it's not friendly. I would imagine it looks more like a wolf baring his fangs before devouring his prey.

I hear the breath catch in his throat as he responds with an almost inaudible, "Hi." The attitude and bravado from when he first sauntered into the room were gone. He is breathing fast, and I guess he's wondering what my next move will be. I am still pressed firmly against his body, my cock intensely hard as I imagine the possibilities. I maneuver him until his back is pressed against the wall next to the doorway and no space remains between us. With my hands of his hips, I slide my knee between his thighs and pull him closer until he almost straddles my thigh. There is no way in hell he would be able to miss the raging hard-on in my shorts.

I capture Beam's lips in a kiss devoid of all gentleness. My tongue plunges deep inside the warm recesses of his mouth to rub alongside his. This is a duel, a battle of wills, a fight for dominance as he matches me with equal fire, his earlier hesitation gone. I feel his fingers claw at my hair, grasping it in handfuls, and in my heightened state of arousal, having my hair pulled has never felt so good.

My hands slip to his nipples as I slide my mouth down his neck, tonguing and lightly sucking a path lower. His sharp intake of breath ends with a hiss as I scrape a nail over one sensitive nipple and pinch and twist the other. The hands in my hair become more demanding almost pushing me to my knees. I replace fingers with my mouth, capturing one nipple between my teeth before sucking and swirling my tongue around the brown pebble it has become. He's moaning and arching his back as if he wants to push his whole self inside my mouth.

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