Movie Review - 18+ (KhaiThird)

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Third's POV

"Hi, I'm Third,"

"And I'm Khai,"

"And welcome to Third's Day Movie Show," with what I hoped was a confident voice, I spoke right into the camera lens, addressing the fans that would be watching this review when I uploaded it. "Today Khai and I did you hit record?"

"I thought I did," Khai said as he crawled around the coffee table to check the camera. "Don't worry, it's all set to go now." He was crawling back to sit beside me again, wearing the expression of an excited puppy. Khai seemed to be a barely contained bundle of energy today. I sighed knowing that this review would take a while to complete while he's in this mood.

"Hi, I'm Third,"

"And I'm Khai," he almost yelled his introduction.

"Stop," I said, turning to him. "You're too loud, can you tone it down a little?"

"Sorry," Khai replied as I moved to restart the camera. "Just leave it running, we'll edit later anyway."

I nodded, returning to my spot at his side.

"I'm just excited for this one," Khai laughed.

"Hmmm, never would have noticed," I said wryly. Maybe this isn't such a great idea. He seems to be in a shit-stirring mood. With a deep breath, I began again.

"Hi, I'm Third,"

"And I'm Khai,"

"And welcome to Third's Day Movie Show," I finished the introduction smoothly watching the rhythmic blink of the camera's record light. "Today Khai and I will be reviewing Alfonso Cuarón's 2001 film Y Tu Mamá También. The film celebrated the 20th anniversary of its release at the end of last month, so it was about time that Khai and I got around to talking about this seminal film."

Khai laugh snorted at my last comment. Turning the best glare I could manage on him, he swallowed down his laughter, his face a picture of false composure. I narrowed my eyes as I watched the smile threatening to break across his face. I kept glaring at him as laughter finally got the better of him.

"You said seminal film," he giggled.

"God, Khai! You're such a child," I muttered. Yeah, I was right. This probably wasn't the best day to be recording this video.

Khai's POV

Third may not believe me, but I am trying very hard to behave myself here! I swallowed the last of my giggles and waited for Third to continue. It wasn't my fault that my thoughts weren't totally on the movie, but rather on Third's reaction to it. We'd sat down to watch it last night in preparation for today's review. It had been a while since I watched it, and I remembered I had been impressed when I had first seen it, but it had been different this time around with Third sitting so close to me.

"...a coming of age story, a road movie, and an erotic film all rolled into one, the thread of identity, youth, and sexual freedom, as well as the looming spectre of adulthood and responsibility weaving through the narrative. So, what did you think of it, Khai?" Third turned to look at me as he finished his spiel. His eyes on me snapped me back to attention.

"I thought it was kinda hot," I said absently. I had only been half-listening, caught up in my memories, mesmerised as my gaze fell on his mouth. I watched the corners drop a little as he scowled.

"Is that all you've got? It was kinda hot?" Third complained, his eyebrows knitted together in irritation.

"Well, it's not like we managed to finish it or anything..." I muttered under my breath.

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