We're Not Dating - 18+ (KaengPuth)

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"Thought I'd find you here."

Puth knew that voice. He stiffened slightly as he heard the footfall of booted feet approach, ringing out loudly as the other man made his approach. Puth slowly turned his head, sweeping his eyes over the figure from head to toe. His breath caught in his throat. Again. Just like it did every time he saw Kaeng.

"What do you want?" Puth tried to keep his voice steady as he busied himself tidying the stage and putting the sound equipment away. He occasionally sang at the Blue Moon bar, a pastime he enjoyed and usually shared with his friends Mon and Thurs, but his heart hadn't been in it tonight and he just wanted to return to his dorm. That evening's entertainment had cancelled and he'd been called at the last minute to fill in.

A night at the bar had held little appeal for Mon, and Puth was not surprised that he had refused to go. Puth knew the reason; Mon didn't want to run into Team. Team was friends with Kaeng, and another first-year student, Nuea, and together they had a competition running. The aim was to seduce and sleep with as many people as possible. Unfortunately for Mon, he had drawn Team's attention, and as a virgin, he was a prize of considerable prestige, a ten-point conquest. Team had pursued, conquered, and deserted him, leaving Mon heartbroken, just another victim in the wake of destruction that Team left behind.

Kaeng sat on the edge of the stage and crossed one long leg over the other. The movement was slow and deliberate, accompanied by a dramatic sigh. Puth couldn't help but follow every calculated move he made, but shook his head a little, determined not to let Kaeng get under his skin. Kaeng had made advances toward him before, but Puth didn't want to be part of his game. Puth had his own system. Simple, no-strings hook-ups, where both parties are on the same page, no one has an agenda, no one gets hurt.

"I need your help," Kaeng said simply. Puth looked at him then resumed tidying up the stage, waiting for Kaeng to continue. "Mon has blocked Team's number and has quit drama club. Team just wants to talk to him. To apologise."

Puth scoffed, "Bullshit! No way. Team fucked him up. Do you think I'm gonna just hand him over to go through more of this shit?"

"Please, Puth. He just wants to make things right," Kaeng almost sounded sincere.

"How is he going to make things right? Hasn't he done enough? Isn't he satisfied? He got his ten points after all. It's not a secret why he's known as the Scorer, just like you're the Hunter," Puth nodded his head in Kaeng's direction, acknowledging the predatory gleam in the other man's eyes. "And you can cut out that shit with me, I already know what your game is, and it won't work with me."

"That's right, you're a player after all," Kaeng retorted with a smirk.

"I might be a player, but I'm not out to hurt anyone. I have my fun, my partners know what the deal is, and I don't make it my mission to go out and fuck up as many lives as I can," Puth kept his voice steady. He was not going to let Kaeng get the better of him. "Not like your little club."

Kaeng sighed dramatically. "We may be looking at the demise of our 'little club'. Nuea's out. Looks's like he's serious about Sun, and Team..." Kaeng's voice trailed off when he saw the coldness settle in Puth's eyes. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I think Team has fallen. Hard."

"You can't be serious." Puth's voice was incredulous, but his eyes narrowed with suspicion as he sat down next to Kaeng. He searched Kaeng's gaze looking for any deception but found none.

"I genuinely think he loves him. He's never acted like this, like acknowledging that he's fucked up on a major scale," Kaeng's voice held a sincerity that Puth had never heard before. "He's scared that he's lost him for good. Can you help? Please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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