The Watching Game - 18+ (DeanPharm)

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Pharm: Hey Team, I'm here to pick up that book I asked about

Pharm glanced at the screen, but the message remained unread. He'd knocked, but the music coming from Team's apartment was a little loud so he figured that Team did not hear him. He couldn't imagine that Team would have left his room with the music still playing, so he had to be home. Pharm tried the handle, finding the door unlocked.

Pharm noticed that Team was not in the kitchen or living room as he entered, but his eyes fell on the book sitting on the kitchen counter. He debated whether he should just grab the book and go, as he had a mountain of work to do to have his assignment ready on time, but his inherent manners were stronger than his self-interest so he went in search of Team. He's either in his bedroom or the bathroom, he thought to himself.

Raising his hand to knock on the slightly ajar bedroom door, Pharm heard a faint moan. He froze, hand mid-air and not so naïve as to think that Team was in some kind of pain or trouble. This was a moan of lust and need. Pharm's cheeks flooded with colour as he heard another voice hush Team.

"Would you keep it down?" Pharm recognised P'Win speaking, but his voice was little more than a harsh whisper. "These walls are paper thin and you're always too loud. The neighbours are annoyed enough about the music, but it's better than them listening to the dirty sounds you make."

Pharm's mouth hung open as a wave of sensation flowed down his spine. He knew that some kind of relationship had developed between Team and P'Win, but they'd always seemed to joke and tease rather than seriously flirt, so this side of them came as a bit of a shock. He knew he should leave, but he moved on autopilot as he pushed the door slightly open. The music filled the room, but not so much to completely drown out Team's breathing which was coming in short, sharp bursts.

I'll be going to hell for this, Pharm thought as he peered around the crack in the door to see Team sitting on the end of his bed, head flung back, his rapid-fire breath rising in tempo. Win knelt on the floor between his spread thighs, clad only in a pair of pale blue boxers, the black-inked wings of his tattoo stark against his fair skin. Pharm's hand flew to his mouth, stifling a gasp as he stood transfixed in the doorway watching Win's blond head rise and fall in Team's lap.

Pharm backed away from Team's bedroom door and hurriedly left his apartment, careful to silently close the front door behind him. It was not until he got home that he realised he had forgotten the textbook he had gone to Team's place for.

The book would have been of little use to him even if he had remembered it. He had been distracted for the whole afternoon and had managed to get little to no work done. As he re-read the same paragraph he had been working on for the seventh time, he shook his head and closed his laptop. He was agitated that he could not concentrate, and he couldn't get the scene out of his mind. In effect, he had seen nothing extreme; Win's body was covering Team's from his sight, and they showed more skin during their swim training, but the images and sounds were burned into Pharm's mind for good.

As he massaged his temples a little in an attempt to dissolve the tension building up there, his phone vibrated, alerting him to a new message.

Team: The book's here, are you still coming over?

Pharm: If you can bring it with you to class tomorrow, I'll get it then.

Team: Sure

He flushed at the realisation that he'd have to face Team tomorrow. Having given up on working on his assignment, Pharm slumped on the lounge and spent the next 20 minutes scrolling through the tv shows on his streaming service, but could settle on none of them. His phone vibrated again, and an irritated Pharm opened the message. It was from P'Dean.

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