On Hypovolemic Shock

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“Jordan, it’s Percy, can you hear me?” Percy asked, calling to me as they corralled him out.


Images of violent fights, illegal drugs, and gang members flashed in my head.

Green eyes and a bright smile followed.


I opened my mouth to reply, and the doctors took that chance to pour whatever that was down my throat.

It burned all the way down. I swear I could feel it burning in my roiling stomach.

Speaking of roiling-

The medicine burned its way back up.

“She’s rejecting the medicine!” A nurse cried.

“Get an IV in her!” Someone else replied.

One problem.

I’m currently in a straightjacket. To my knowledge, IV sites include hands, elbows, shoulders, and neck- if I remember correctly.

I had done a lot of medical research. This stuff was stuck in my head.

Some article said something about direct insertion into the heart.

No no no no nonononono.

The doctors paused for a moment, probably realizing what I had.

They’re going to have to let me out if they want to put medicine directly into my bloodstream.

Someone gave the go ahead, and I waved goodbye to the bloodstained jacket.

What a waste of time.

I heard those voices again, the familiar ones that the demons in the back of my mind reacted to.


Was that the Nico or the Percy?

“There’s blood everywhere-” I heard someone cry.

Annabeth or Piper?

“How many time do we have to say no patients allowed in the ward!” Someone shouted.

My vision swam as the doctors forced me down onto the bed again, and I cried out as a sharp pain pierced my hand.

“Callista?” I called, my voice sharp in the chaos.

The commotion around me silenced.

“Callista?” I asked again. “Callista, where are you?” I questioned.

She should be here.

Something told me she should be here.

“Callista-” I choked- my back arching as I coughed horribly, feeling my stomach muscles tighten. There was nothing left to cough up but more blood. “Callista, where are you?” I asked again, like a broken record.

“Go find Callista Mirelle- room 8 in hallway 8.” Dr. Athena’s familiar voice commanded. “Go!” She shouted. “And let those patients in- don’t you see you’re just making her worse?” Athena asked.

The doctors stood in stunned silence at Athena’s orders.

“Did anybody hear me?” She demanded. They nodded, muttering and milling about- the previous fifteen doctors and nurses surrounding my bed dispersing.

“Nyx, get fluids in that IV.” Athena demanded, looking down at a clipboard.

I growled at the male nurse to my left that was holding my arm down. He made a face at me and I smiled, laughing to myself.

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